United Nations, New York. June 26,1992.

Welcome to the United Nations. And please pray together for a while in your own belief that we are grateful for what we have, what we are given, and we wish, we hope that those who have not enough will be given the way we are given; the world's refugees, the war victims, the soldiers, the government leaders and of course the United Nations' leaders will be able to accomplish what they want and live together in peace. We believe what we ask will be given because it is says so in the Bible.

Thank you! It has been a long time since I was here. Have any of you been here before, I mean been to my lecture before? When? Oh, Yes? So many? Thank you. You know today the theme of our lecture is "Beyond This World", because I don't think I would like to talk to you about this world anymore. That you all know. Yes? You know this world we have the United Nations, we have America, New York (Big Apple), but beyond this world, we have other things. I think all of you who came here would be interested to know. It's not something like Stephen just said about miracles or anything fantastic that you cannot believe. It is something very scientific, very logical and very important.

We all heard that in different kinds of religious bibles or scriptures, it is mentioned that there are seven heavens, there are different levels of consciousness. There is the Kingdom of God within, there is Buddha nature, etc.. These are some things that are promised beyond this world. But not many people have access to what is promised in these scriptures, not many. I wouldn't say none, but not many. Compared to the population of the world, people who have access to the Kingdom of God within or what we call, "what is beyond this world", are very few. And if you are in America, probably you have many opportunities to read a lot of books that describe things that are beyond our world. And some of the movies that the American people made are not altogether fiction. Also, there are some movies made by Japanese that are also not all fiction. Because these people have probably read some of the books that have been written by those who have been beyond this world or they themselves have had some glimpses into the Kingdom of God.

So, in the Kingdom of God... what lies in the Kingdom of God? Why should we bother about the Kingdom of God if we already have enough work to do in the world and we have a job, we have secure houses, and we have enough loving relationships, etc? Precisely, because we already have all these, we should be concerned about the Kingdom of God. It sounds too religious when we say the Kingdom of God. It's actually just some level of higher consciousness. The people in the old days, they say that it is heaven, but in scientific terms, we can say, it is a different... a higher level of knowledge, a higher level of wisdom. And this we can have access to, should we know how.

So, in the late... lately in America, we have all heard of the latest invention... that people even have a machine to put you into samadhi. Have you experienced this? You haven't? No? It's in America on sale. Four hundred to seven hundred, depends on what level you want. They call... this is for the lazy people who don't want to meditate, just want to be right in samadhi. Now, in case you don't know, I'll be brief about that. They say that this kind of machine can put you into a relaxed, mental attitude state... relaxing state, then you would achieve the high level of I.Q.. That's supposed to give you high knowledge, high wisdom and then you feel great, etc.. And this machine uses some selected music, outer music, so you need earphones, and then they put some electric, probably currents that stimulate you, then you probably see some flashes. So you need also a blindfold. The earphones and the blindfold, that's all you need for samadhi. This is very good, and four hundred dollars, very cheap. But our samadhi is even cheaper, it costs nothing, and it's forever, forever. And you don't need to charge with battery or electricity, plug in, plug out, or in case the machine goes out of order, you don't need to go and fix it.

Now, even if the artificial light and the artificial music could make people become so relaxed and so wise - it is supposed to give them this. But I have read on a newspaper what it's supposed to do, I haven't tried it myself. So that's why it is very hot and has sold a lot, I heard. Even these artificial things could put us into a relaxed mood and increase our I.Q., then could you imagine how much the real thing can help us in our wisdom? The real thing is beyond this world but it is accessible to every man, should we want to contact with it. This is the inner heavenly music and the inner heavenly sound. And depending on the intensity of this music... of the inner light or inner music, we can push ourselves beyond this world, go into a deeper level of understanding.

I guess it is just like the law of physics. You want to send some rocket into... beyond the gravity, you have to have a lot of pushing power behind that, and also when it flies very fast it also emanates some light. So I guess when we go fast into the beyond, we also... how to say? Oh, I speak Chinese too much. We can... radiate, yes, some light also, and also we can hear the sound. The sound is the kind of vibration power that pushes us into the higher level, but it does that without any noise, without much trouble and no cost and no discomfort to the experienced. That is the way to go into the beyond.

And what is beyond this world that is better than our world. Everything that we can imagine and cannot imagine. Once we experience it, then we know. No one else could tell us really. But we have to be persistent in that, and we have to truly be sincere, otherwise no one else can do it for us. The same like no one else can replace you to work at the U.N.'s office and you get pay for that. The same as no one else could help us to eat and then we get satisfied. Therefore, the way is to be experienced. We could listen to someone who has experience to tell us, but we cannot gain much experience from that. We may have experiences one time, for a couple of times or some days due to the power of that person who experienced God. Then we might see some light or hear some sound, very naturally without our effort, but in most cases, it doesn't last very long. So, we have to also experience it and do it ourselves.

Beyond our world, there are many different worlds. We could just put an example, like the one a little bit higher than us. What we call the astral world in the Western terminology. In the astral world, they have even one hundred and more different levels. And each level is a world of itself. And it represents our level of understanding. It's just like we go into the university. And then each grade as we go through the university, it represents our understanding more, about the university's teaching and then slowly we move to the graduation. In the astral world, we will see many kinds of so-called miracles and we probably will be tempted also by miracles and we probably will have miracles also. We can heal the sick, we can, how to say... sometimes see something that other people cannot see. We have at least six kinds of miraculous power. We can see beyond the ordinary boundary, we can hear beyond the limits of space. The distance doesn't make a difference to us. That's what we call the heavenly ears and the heavenly eyes. And then we can see through the people's thinking, and what he has in his mind, sometimes we can see etc.. These are the powers that sometimes we acquire when we have access to the first level of the Kingdom of God.

And within this first level, I have already said that we have many different other levels which offer us a lot more than language can describe. And when we get there, we will... if we.., for example, have many more abilities. Then we will even develop our literature talent which we didn't have before. And also we know many things that other people do not know and many things come to us just like gifts from heaven, sometimes financially, sometimes, how to say, career-wise and sometimes many other things. And we begin to be able to write poems or maybe we can draw pictures, and we can do something that we have not been able to do before and we couldn't imagine we could do that. That's the first level. And we could write poems and write books with the beautiful style. And we could have been a non-professional writer before, but we could write now, for example. These are very material benefits that we can get when we are in the first level of consciousness. Actually, these things are not God's gifts. These things are in heaven inside us and only because we have awakened them, they became alive. And then we can make use of them. So, this is some of the information about the first level. Is it okay? You want to hear more? Yes.Alright. Have you heard this before? You have! Yeah, you did! Who told you? Oh yeah, and then does he say something else? Okay.

Now, when we go to the higher level, for example, then we see many other things, and we achieve many other things. Of course I cannot tell you everything. Yes, because of time, for example. Also, it's not necessary to listen to all the beautiful things about cakes and candies and never eat them. Therefore, I just kind of advertise a little bit. And if you want to eat them, that's another thing. We can offer real food later on. Yes! Just in case you want to eat these things.

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