We are separated from God because we are too busy. If someone is talking to you, and the telephone keeps ringing, and you are busy cooking or chatting with other people, then no one can get in touch with you. The same thing happens with God. He is calling every day and we have no time for Him, and we keep hanging up on Him. This is how the separation takes place. Now, if you want to become reunited again with God, it takes time. Give Him one tenth of your day to communicate with Him and surely you will no longer feel this separation. But you know, we have never been separated. We all have God within ourselves. It is just that we are too busy, we blind ourselves with worldly obligations, so we do not know where God is. Just like when we have our glasses on and we look everywhere for them. If we are too busy we forget many things. I can unite you again with your God nature, so we need not ask why, but rather how to do so.


What makes us feel bound and 'un-free' is the tendency of clutching to this mass of knowledge or habits that we call 'I' and forgetting to look to the real thing.


The more we identify ourselves with material knowledge and possessions, the less we know how great we are. Some of the people who have a lot of intellectual knowledge find it harder to meditate, harder to attain the higher wisdom than the less educated persons. It is because they have more to wash, more to disentangle. Just like in a house, when there is too much stuff in it, it takes longer to clean out in order to bring in the new furniture. If you have only a few things, then it is quicker.


You may ask why, if we come from the Kingdom of God, would we have left it to be so miserable? We come indeed from an almighty universe, but we forgot it after the Fall. Why? Because we have been wearing different clothes, and the more we descend the denser they become, and we can no longer see around us. If you decide for instance to go deep sea diving, you will have to wear a swimsuit, a mask, carry an oxygen tank, fins etc., and you will end up by looking like a frog and won't be able to recognise yourself. As we descend to lower levels, we put on heavier and heavier clothing and instruments, so we forget all about the lightness we used to enjoy. The lower we go, the thicker it becomes and the more difficult it is to see things in a different light.

Similarly, when we came down we had to wear eyes, ears, mouth, fleshly clothes, all kind of things we didn't need when we were there. And if you wear it every day for sixty years you become used to it, you will identify yourself with these outer clothes. The deeper you go, the more instruments you need, and the more difficult it is to see the surroundings. There is no more sunlight just darkness, so we need artificial light. Similarly, when we dive into the sea of existence, we can no longer see God's light.