Most human beings think that they cannot follow Christ's example, simply because they were told that they are too ignorant, too stupid, too helpless, that they are nothing. And because this brainwashing was perpetuated generation after generation, they ended up by believing it.

'He that believeth on me, the work that I do shall he do also.'

Jesus didn't say that He was the only one that could accomplish all these miracles, to teach and to liberate people. He said that we can do the same and He even added:

'..and greater works than these shall he do.'

So if Jesus said: "whatever I can do today you can do also", then why don't we start? We all want to become so great but we couldn't. Why? Because we are lacking power, knowledge and wisdom. It is just like a surgeon who has learned to operate on a complicated human inner system. If we learn with him for some time then we will become an expert like him. We can become as great as Christ if we learn what He has learned. That is very logical and scientific. There is nothing mysterious about becoming a Buddha or Christ-like. There is no need to go to the Himalayas, no need to shave your head, or wear different clothes. You can become enlightened in jeans! It is just a matter of different lifestyles.

But we forgot all about it. We believe what the Church, what the priests tell us, that we are sinful and without Jesus we will go to Hell! If Jesus were to come back again, He would cry His soul out because His teachings have been distorted and tortured in such a way. He does cry. He is still crying.

We forgot that the Bible says that we were made in the image of God, that we are His children and His heirs. It means that we are like our Father and that we also possess His power. If our father is a king, it makes us princes and princesses and that is something, no? So why not believe in our value, why deny our inheritance, our birthright! We keep repeating, 'We are the children of God and were created in His image,' and we struggle every day to only earn a few pennies, and pray all the time without being answered. It is because we don't pray to the right source, and we knock on the wrong door.


The road to Heaven is difficult because,

'Narrow is the way that leads to life, and broad is the way that leads to destruction and so many will walk therein.'

Some say that it is like a razor's edge, because it is so difficult to walk on. Why is the path so narrow? Because it goes against our way of thinking, our desires and our temptations. We must dive in the ocean of existence without getting our clothes wet. That's why it is so difficult. We must live in this world with all its temptations, its conflicts and remain disciplined and pure, like the lotus born in the mud, but so pure, immaculate and fragrant. We must follow its example and become a saint in hell.


When Jesus was alive He said,

'I am the Way, I am the Light of the world, as long as I am in the world.'

So after He left, He is not the light of the world in a physical sense. So He has left us some teachings which guide us in our daily lives. This is very good. But there is something of a silent nature that we have not gotten. That is the silent teaching, that can only be transmitted through silence. And this is the most important thing that makes us see God and brings us nearer to God. So whomever can help us in this way, you should not feel guilty to come to Him.