We can do anything well if we do it naturally and sincerely. Perfection is found in how well the job is done, not the job itself.


You work as if you are the only one who knows that you are working, not even God knows. That is perfect work.


Your work itself is a blessing. When you're working for God and the multitude, your merits multiply. As you help more people, as many fold of merits will be added to your treasure of spiritual progress.


Work is also a form of training. It helps us to assess our character, our patience, our talents and the extent of our enlightenment. Therefore, you must not be afraid to work. Being afraid to work is also a kind of phobia. The more we work, the more we will be enlightened.


When you are working not for reward but only from love, then everything will go very smoothly.


When we do something with concentration and spontaneity, then the result come out perfect because it comes out from God, from our real wisdom, from our real nature. Once we have some expectation or some pride in it, or some calculation in it, things go wrong.


We have to help also with social work. Whatever we can do to help lessen the suffering, that is the most noble work, which will not only be recognized in this world, but also praised by heaven.


If we serve with total devotion, we are forever in contentment, and feeling fulfilled. We won't think of demanding anything, as we feel we have everything in abundance. Have faith in God and the grand plan of the entire universe.


The world is in need of such fast working people. It is so desperately short of these fast thinking, intelligent, conscientious, moral and honest people. Therefore, the more the better.


We should do things without any purpose in mind. It applies to any job. Unconditional devotion is the best.