At our most agonising moments, do not sink with the pain. Instead, cry to ponder: "Why do I have such pain?" Observe what you can learn from these painful situations. There must be something! If you observe clearly then all situations are good lessons from which to learn. Having realisations through observing, you will be enlightened and happy tomorrow. Understand frustrations with Buddhi (intellect), and don't let them pass by in vain.


We create worries ourselves, that's why we are miserable every day. We turn lessons into punishments, that's why we are so unhappy. Master will show you a simple way to liberated from the sea of misery - treat miseries as lessons, just like studying at school.


The obstacles are there for us to train ourselves. Never be afraid. Have always the courage to face the obstacles.


Through hardship, we learn kindness. Through every misfortune, we receive God's holy plan - so as to make it better.


No matter what situation we are in, we must look on the bright side. Look at the optimistic side. Don't pick on the little things. We should turn the undesirable situation into one that will benefit us.


What is the spirit of Zen? It is to enjoy today, to do today. No matter happiness or suffering, it is all today. Understand? Don't bother about the past. The past cannot be retrieved, alas! The future is not here yet. But very few people will devote their attention wholeheartedly to the present moment. That's why everyone suffers so much.