Try to be soft, humble and surrender, and you will see God better, okay!


Great people are very humble. When we are not humble, we are not great.


Q. I want to know how to overcome my feeling of self-importance.

M. Oh! It's good that you know that you have this self-important feeling; your illness is already half cured. Okay! There's a very good way to overcome this pride. You think of the greatness of the universe and all the things in the universe that you have not been able to understand; that you know nothing about the universe, about the law of God; then you will feel very small. whatever worldly knowledge we gain is so small, whatever important business we have is so ephemeral, and then when we die we have nothing. So better get enlightened. The more you are enlightened, the more humble you become, because you see that you know so little, that the universe is so great, and then you are more humble, more humble until you are the most humble person. Then you admit that you know nothing, and then you know everything. That's why Lao Tze said, "The wise are like the dumb". That's why Jesus said, "I work, but not I, it's the Father who works in Me." He was so great but He knew He could do nothing without the Father; He knew He could do nothing, that's why He could do everything. Is it easy to understand?