Q. Master, what happens if a person gets initiated but ends up not being able to meditate the required two and half-hours.

M. Then he probably stays in the class for a while. (Laughter) Just like you students, what happens if you enroll in a certain class and you don't study well? Then, you stay there. (Master and all laugh) Instead of an 'A', you have a 'J'. That's what it is. But you are still nevertheless a college student -- you're not primary school or you're not kindergarten kids, anyhow. At least, you are a college students, that's no doubt, but just to a lesser degree.


Q. Is there more than one initiation?

M. No, no. Only one physically but many inwardly, inside. See, it depends on the individual. For example, at the time of initiation the master or the representative of the master gives the same verbal instructions, but the initiation doesn't come from these instructions. The initiation comes from within, from the awakening of your own nature. And even then the levels are different. Therefore two persons sitting in the same place or next to each other will have entirely different levels. And therefore, also, the master will from inside teach individually different, and only he knows. Only he inside knows what the master teaches him, and his experience is different from his wife or his kids or his father or brothers, etc. So you can call that different initiations if you wish, but I would say that it is the continuation of learning from different individuals.


Q. If one is initiated by you, The Supreme Master Ching Hai, do you remain your disciples forever? What is the job of a disciple?

M. The job of our disciples is to become a master. (Laughter) Therefore you don't need to be my disciple forever. You don't even need to be my disciple. You are already a master, just you don't know it, so I tell you how to recognize yourself again. That's all, yeah? There is no disciple actually. It is just a name that we call ourselves in this physical world.


Q. You say only human beings can become a Buddha. I want to know if when a disciple passes away and he is on the 4th level, does he need to come back to this world to be a human being and after that to study until he becomes a Buddha?

M. Oh, no, he doesn't have to. He studies from there. The Master will continue to teach the disciple and never leave the disciple until the disciple completely realize himself, hm!


Q. Master, after enlightenment, can we still get sick?

M. Sure. Look here I have a flu, thanks to some of the friends who gave it to me. And I was weak because I overwork a lot of the time, because of the many disciples and demands from the world. So of course my body is like yours, or your body is like his, yeah? If you are weak in resistance, overwork , overwork your car, then it will stop. It gets sick. That's the same. The car will get sick whether it is Benz or it's a Cadillac. It sometimes gets sick, but that's the normal thing.

Why should we avoid sickness? It's no big deal. If I wasn't sick in these days, I could not have enjoyed two days in bed. So that's a bonus. It's not bad. And all the people love me so much, "Wow" while I am sick. They feel... a concern, you know? That's enjoyment also. Okay? No problem to be sick. The Buddha was sick, was he not? Sure, sickness is no big deal.


Q. It is mentioned on the initiation sheet to never use spiritual power to cure another's illnesses. Could you comment on that? I live in a community where so many people do healing with their hands, and other types of healing.

M. You see, if you want to be a healer, then do healing. If you want to know the whole, including healing, then you must leave it for a while until you know the whole. Then you can heal. Heal without healing. People will just see you and get healed. You don't need to do any kind of mudra, or mess up their magnetic field. If you are successful in healing one person today, can you guarantee that he will not get sick tomorrow? You understand? It is not complete. And also, when a person gets healed by a spiritual healer, he believes in that spiritual healer, instead of believing in his own healing power within himself. That is dangerous for both, for the healer and the patient. The patient believes in the healer and the healer gets more ego. So the best way to heal a person is to become Christ. Heal without healing. Heal without knowing.


Q. What do you mean by psychic healing being an obstacle to one's progress? If someone uses his hands to heal naturally with a method called Reiki, is this acceptable?

M. If you want to be fully enlightened, you must not interfere with other people's karma. Because by doing this, you will lose your spiritual force, and remain in the physical side.