Respect anyone or see anyone with pure eyes, always good for yourself. That's the best way to look at other people.


Tf we treat everyone as a brother and sister, then soon, all differentiation, all hatred, and all misunderstanding will be erased.


To be honest to yourself means to be honest to everyone.


Try to have some consideration, not for other people, but for yourself - to elevate yourself to a much higher sensitivity of consciousness. We cannot always remain at a very coarse level with rough ways of handling people's emotions and the environment. If we are sensitive to other people's feelings and needs, it doesn't mean that it's good for that person only, or good for other people only; it's also good for us. It means that we are highly developed souls. We are very sensitive. We understand before people speak. It means that we have reached the level of Amitabha's Western Paradise. As the sutra says, "In the Western Paradise, people don't need to speak, and each understands perfectly the other person's desires and expressions." We have to bring paradise to earth, and not wait until we die to be there. It is a wrong conception to run to some level somewhere and then forsake the world. We have to better the world as much as our ability allows. Otherwise, not only can we not elevate ourselves, but we also damage the world. We make it worse.