In this world, we cannot be too impatient. When we want something, we should try not to want it, and then it will become ours. This is very strange. The more we want something, the further it will be from our reach. The same is true for enlightenment and attainment of the Truth. By no means should we push God anxiously and nervously to let us become Buddhas. Instead, we should remain calm and cool, and just fulfill our daily obligations.


The best idea is having no idea at all. Therefore, recite the five names silently is enough. This is the best idea. The five names are neutral, very holy and powerful. There is no need praying for any worldly ideas.


If we truly seek the Truth, we won't mind any surroundings, and we can go through anything.


If we spiritual practitioners still have fears, preferences, and needs, then we are still not 100 percent true.


Relax so that you will be able to progress in your practice. Just be natural. Do not expect that everything will come out perfectly. However, you must not be lazy.


Whether or not we will attain Buddhahood depends on our hearts and on the power of our self-confidence, not on how long we "sit" and meditate.


We will benefit in our spiritual practice only when we are patient and try our best, without being anxious or disappointed.


Strong faith in the path of practice is both a blessing power and a great merit.


To want to practice and long for eternal liberation every day is more important than to attain any spiritual experience.


Certainly, we must practice diligently, but we shouldn't be attached to discrimination. We shouldn't be too stubborn in trying to be a certain person, for what is important is our sincerity, not our appearance.


We are not to over control our mind or habit, but we also should not spoil it too much - this is the middle way. Let me advise you: don't blame yourself too much, nor should you practice in too ascetic a way. If we practice in an exceedingly ascetic way, our mind cannot stand it! Just like an animal, if you do not give it what it likes to eat, or if you fail to feed it when it is hungry, one day it will be angry and resist you. When you are off alert, it will claw or bite you. These incidents happen very often.


A clean quality will naturally make a place become clean, beautiful and holy. Therefore, cleanliness is saintliness.