questions & ANSWERS

Q. How can we liberate ourselves from suffering, from our painful emotions at the right time when we want so bad to let go of the lives, the circumstances around us! It is hard to see through because of the people we are attached to and we know that there is more to life itself than just ourselves and the love of someone else we couldn't let go of?

M. Just forgive yourself and try again. Sometimes, in some circumstances we are able to control ourselves, but with some great effort, and some other times we don't want to control ourselves, or we can't control ourselves. In either case, you just do what is good for you at that moment. Don't worry much about your emotions. They are only the waves on the surface of the ocean. It is not the ocean's fault. It is the wind, it is the rotation of the earth that makes the waves. So the ocean cannot blame itself all the time, and say that he makes the waves, that he makes trouble for the boats and for the people. He cannot help himself.


Q. How do you get rid of bad thinking?

M. Yes, it is difficult. You must use your inborn power. You have to practice the Quan Yin Method, then you will naturally become pure. It isn't for us such a struggle anymore. Every day we use the light and the sound to purify us, to bathe us. But there is also a sort of inspection, a spiritual diary. Every day you check yourself to see how much cleaner you have become each day, in speech, body and mind. You see your progress.


Q. What is anger, why does it boil inside of us, and how do we release it?

M. Sometimes it helps to release it outwardly. Sometimes between husband and wife, or parents and children there is some kind of tension, and after you have cleared it together, you dear the air. It is also helpful. Whatever comes naturally, just let it be. If you cannot control it, or cannot control it completely, just try not to bear hatred. Just express what you feel in the best manner you can. Because sometimes, anger when swallowed too much, will breed diseases within the body. So the best is that first we have the virtues of God and then all the passions, like anger, greed, or attachment will subside by and by.


Q. How would you explain or define fear?

M. Fear is lack of faith in God. If you always sense God's presence everywhere and in all situations, then you have no fear.


Q. How do you deal with the fear of letting go of the self?

M. I don't remember how I dealt with it. It just naturally goes away. By getting in touch and merging yourself with God, you just naturally have no more self. Slowly, slowly, the self will go out. That's it. I don't deal with it. To have to deal with it is a problematic thing because the self is very big. Therefore, let God deal with it. After practicing our method, you become less and less self, and then you become greater and greater. This is a paradox of God, because it is not for us to understand.


Q. Dear Master, I always make the same mistakes that I don't want to make. I feel there are two of me inside, one good and one bad. How can I stop this?

M. Well, maybe this is the balanced proportion in your life that you need to learn. Actually, we can't be too good all the time. You will break! You see the man in the circus, when he walks on the rope? He has to walk this side, then that side. You know what I mean! One time he dips on this side, the other time he is siding to the other side. Otherwise, if he walks just like this, he will fall down. This life has two sides anyhow, one positive, and the other negative; one is happiness, and the other is misery. Sometimes, we can't help ourselves from dipping from one side to the other. It's okay! Forgive yourself. Try if you can. If not, forgive yourself.


Q. Why do we have so much bad luck and difficulties! Is it arranged by God?

M. No, it is because we live in this world, and there is action and reaction. We create an individual cause and effect and also have a collective effect from the whole society and all the atmosphere. Bad energy creates accidents, catastrophes, disasters, illnesses, etc. Bad energy comes from our bad thoughts, bad actions and bad speech. Everything carries energy. Therefore, we have to be pure in speech, in action and in thinking. That is why we suggest the Five Precepts and the vegetarian diet, to purify our environment.


Q. How do you explain rape, cancer and accidents?

M. Karma, cause and effect. "As you sow so shall you reap."' We do not see very far into the past. That is why we blame the present. There is nothing that happens without a cause, even though sometimes it is not entirely our fault. This world is very sad. That is why we have to find the way out. It is just like if you always drive your car on the highway, and if you do not find the way to the exit, sometimes your car may run out of gas, or you can have an accident because someone ran into you.


Q. When people invade our psychic space, when should we surrender to it, and when should we fight it off?

M. Everyone has the right to his living room physically, as well as his psychic room. No one should invade other people's psychic space. Should it be done so, you ask sincerely that it should be gone. Ask the God power inside to help you. Protect yourself with the faith of your religion, but be faithful enough, be strong. Otherwise, we have initiation for you. Use the greatest power, and then everything will leave. In the presence of the king, no other topsy-turvy being can be present.


Q. How can we protect children from being contaminated by modern life, television, drugs, laziness, arrogance, etc., and respect at the same time their so-called freedom of choice?

M. You can help them by selecting for them what is best on television and from their environment, so they can also have the freedom to watch television, but not the freedom to choose bad programs. Freedom is not always the best thing for children who have not yet enough intelligence to choose. When they grow up, you can give them more freedom. But above all, if you lead a life of virtue, goodness and beauty, you will be an example for your children to follow.


Q. Why do drugs have such an influence over people in America?

M. There are many reasons, some are visible, others are invisible. One obvious reason is that Americans have enough material comfort but still feel a deep solitude. In some areas, you can drive for miles and miles without seeing a soul, only freeways and forests. You might see a few scattered and hidden houses and almost feel like you are in a desert and very lonely. Communication with neighbors is almost non-existent so you feel lost. Time doesn't seem to go by and you do not know what to do with yourself. Your desire to understand the meaning of life, of death, consumes your soul and the pain is so unbearable that you take drugs that offer temporary relief and allow you to forget life's reality. People who drink or take drugs or any other toxic substances all do it for the same reason. So I never condemn those who take drugs. I only wish to help them and that is why I am here, to offer solutions. If you feel that you are alone, if you don't have a real friend that loves you unconditionally, then you can always come to me. We will always be connected, and you will know that you will always have a friend. You might even see me appear, if you wish and are sincere enough. You will have won an eternal friendship, a guide with whom you can always share your joys and your problems, and that will always help you in the best of your interest. You don't need to use these cheap substitutes to comfort your soul. There are better ones in Heaven and they will be yours after the initiation.


Q. Is it justified if I kill a murderer in order to stop his killing of other human beings. If not, what should I do?

M. Tell the police, because if you kill him, you are the killer and the police will be after you! Do tell the police so they can do their job. It is not your job, all right? But maybe this person will repent, so give him a chance. When he is in his jail, he might repent, or he might read some immediate enlightenment book (laughter) and then turn his life around. You never know what makes a person turn into a murderer. It can be many complicated situations. It could be a very intricate system of society, or some kind of trap he fell into and couldn't get out of. You see what I mean? So we can't just take justice into our hands without considering a lot of his background, and many of the previous life karmic nets between the different people's relationships. So sometimes we judge him unfairly. The murderer came maybe to kill those who killed before. And now, if you kill him, next time he will come back to kill you, and the devilish cycle never ends. So we had better not use violence for violence.


Q. So, there is no such thing as a completely hopeless being, no matter how many bad things one has done?

M. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. No one is hopeless. It is just that they don't know they were great, that they could be great again. And if they find someone who can show them their greatness, then everyone can do it. Even the one who killed 99 people and tried to kill Buddha to make a hundred, became Allajan. He became a Bodhisattva after the Buddha accepted him and initiated him into the order.


Q. How to be best help to someone who is experiencing serious illness?

M. The car has troubles sometimes . The car sometimes burns out, sometimes the tire blows out, sometimes the outskirts is scratched or something. What do you do with the car? Try to repair it . So the same with the body. And if, sometimes the car is irreparable, it costs more to repair than to buy a new one, then buy a new one, is that not so? The same with the body. Whatever you can do with the car, this car - the body, do it. If you can not, just leave it and God will give you a new car . New body. (Laughter & applause) That's why most people pay so much attention to this car, and they have all kinds of fear and troubles because of this car. Kill each other for survival just also because of this car. Hate each other just because of this car. Do many things that are against our own conscience just because of this car. Therefore we have to realize it is only an instrument, just like a car that you buy.


Q. As human beings on earth, we have to fulfill earthly obligations such as food, clothing, a roof over our heads, make enough to pay the internal revenue service. (Laughter) How could we break away from these and start nurturing your spiritual needs?

M. You still keep the roof above your head. Don't take the roof away. (Master and all laugh.) Just get enlightenment. Don't worry! I stay in a tent, and I'm still alright . Sometimes the tent blows away, no roof is there, but I'm still okay. We had a meditation hall, very large, accommodating about seven thousand people. But last year, some people talked something and then it's pulled down. Okay, we let it get pulled down. We did not protest. We did not complain. We did not explain our, how it says, ungrounded accusation. We didn't bother . And then we plan to take, to bring a rain coat when it rains, and bring an umbrella when it shines. Just to sit there and meditate, all the same. But when we are enlightened, all the things will be okay also. Jesus has promised, "Seek you first the kingdom of God, and all the things shall be added unto you." I promise you the same .


Q. Can love be truly unconditional? If God loves those who don't sin and loves and forgives those who do, why are we spending our life trying to avoid sin?

M. Because it hurts us, not because it hurts God. Whenever we do something that we know is sinful or not correct, we hurt ourselves. Our conscience will scold us, make us trouble. (Master and all laugh.) Therefore we try to avoid it . God loves all alike. Therefore the sun shines on all. The rain doesn't detest those poor or sick or sinful . It's just we ourselves are responsible for the feeling of separation between us and God if we do something unrighteous. Therefore we should avoid it. Also it is a duty of ourselves when we live within this world. We have interrelationship between each other; we have to keep an orderly society, okay?


Q. Master, why do good people suffer so much in this world?

M. How do you know if they are good? Do you know them personally? Sometimes you don't. Good and bad is only in our level of understanding. The record of their lives, of their existence is so long. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are bad. You can never check-up enough. Anything that happens has a reason. And don't worry.