We have three ways to become liberated. I have talked about the devotional way, which is the easiest. You just believe in a saint and pray to Him or Her for blessings and deliverance, and when you leave this world you will be liberated. The second is, you get initiation from a Master and become a Master yourself. This is of course more ideal, because then you can also save your family and other beings, not only yourself. It is more noble, and is what God wants or the Master wants from us. When a person becomes a Master, he can save numerous beings from heaven to hell; he can save any beings, and walk on any kind of plane. The third way to be saved is by being a relative or a friend of an initiated person, even if you are already dead. If you were dead, already in hell, and suppose your great, granddaughter is initiated by a great Master, then you would immediately be free and go to heaven. If we are a friend of an initiated person, then we will also get help from the Master.

These are the three ways to liberation. Of course I emphasize the way of self-discipline, because once we are initiated and start on the path of self-discipline toward self-realization, then our many, many generations (past, present and future) will also get liberation. It is because these generations and relatives have been connected to us by the law of Karma,' which means give and take, cause and effect, which carries on for many lives and many generations.