Beyond our world, there are many different worlds. Each level is a world in itself, and it represents our level of understanding. It's just like when we go into a university. Each grade, as we go through the university, represents our understanding more about the university's teaching, and then we slowly move toward graduation. In the astral world, we will see many kinds of so-called miracles. We can heal the sick. We can sometimes see something that other people cannot see. We have at least six kinds of miraculous powers. We can see beyond the ordinary boundary, we can hear beyond the limits of space. The distance doesn't make a difference to us. That's what we call the heavenly ears and the heavenly eyes. We can also see through people's thinking, what they have in their mind, etc. These are the powers that sometimes we acquire when we have access to the first level of the Kingdom of God.

Now, if we go a little bit beyond this level to what we call the second world, just for the sake of simplifying matters, then we will probably have a lot more abilities than the first one, including miracles. But the most striking achievement we can have at the second level is that of eloquence of speech and the ability to debate. No one seems to be able to conquer a person who has achieved the second level because he has tremendous power of eloquence, and his intellect is at the peak of his power.

Most of the people who have an ordinary mind or very simple IQ cannot match this person because his IQ has opened to a very high degree. It is not only the physical brain that has been developed more, it is the mystical power, it is the heavenly power, the wisdom that is inherent inside us. Now it begins to open. In India, people call this level 'Buddhi,' which means intellectual level. When you achieve 'Buddhi', you become a Buddha.

That's where the word Buddha came from. The Buddha is precisely just that. It's not finished. There is more than that. Most people call an enlightened person a Buddha. If he doesn't know beyond the second level, he would probably feel very proud about it. Yes, thinking that he is a living Buddha and his disciples would be very proud calling him Buddha. But actually if he only achieves the second level in which he can see through the past, present and future of any person he chooses to see, and in which he has an absolute eloquence of speech, then it's not yet the end of the Kingdom of God.

Every so-called miracle would happen to us, whether we want it or not, because our intellect just opened and just knows how to contact the higher source of healing, of arranging everything so that our life would become smoother and better.

The so-called third world is a higher step. The one who goes to the third world has to be absolutely clean of every debt of this world, at least. If we owe something to the king of this physical world, we cannot go up. Just like if you are a criminal of some nation and your record is not clear, you cannot pass beyond the border to go to another nation. So, the debt of this world includes many things that we've done in the past, and in the present, and maybe in the future days of our physical life. Now all these have to be cleared, the so-called karma.

Now, suppose you have passed the third world, what next? Of course, you go to the next higher level, the fourth. The fourth world is already out of extraordinary. We cannot just use the simple language to describe all these things to the lay person for fear of offending the Lord of that world. Because that world is so beautiful even though there are some parts of it that are very dark, darker than on a black-out night in New York. Before you reach the light, it's darker than that. It's kind of a forbidden city.

Before we reach God's knowledge, we are stopped over there. But with a Master, with an experienced Master, you can pass through. Otherwise, we cannot find the road in that kind of world.

When we reached different levels, or planes of existence, we have experienced not only spiritual changes, but physical and intellectual changes with everything else in our life. We look at life in a different manner, we walk differently, we work differently. Even our daily work takes on a different meaning, and we understand why we work this way, why we have to be in this job, or why we should change this job. We understand our purpose of life, so we no longer feel restless and agitated. But we wait very harmoniously, patiently for our mission on earth to finish, because we know where we are going next. We know while we are living.

So after that you go to a higher level. After the fourth, you go to the next higher level. The house of the Master which is the fifth level. All the Masters came from there. Even though their levels are higher than the fifth, they stay there. It is the residence of the Master. Beyond that, there are many aspects of God, which are difficult to understand. After the fifth, you can go anywhere you want.

There are many more levels upward, but it is more comfortable, more neutral to stay there. It is too powerful, further upward. You can go for awhile, but maybe you wouldn't like to rest there.

There are many aspects of God that we could not imagine. We always imagine the higher we go, the more loving. But there are different kinds of love. There is violent love, strong love, mild love, neutral love. So it depends on how much we can bear, God will give us different degrees of love from God. But sometimes it is strong, we feel we are torn into ribbons.