forgive YOURSELF

Fremont Hindu Temple, CA, USA, November 25, 1993.

The Spiritual Food

Thank you that we have the opportunity to see each other and also to have a devotional day to God, in whatever form and name we may call this Supreme God Head. I have to thank you and all of the people who have made the effort to push me here, because otherwise I wouldn't do anything. (Master laughs.) So every time I have a chance to give a lecture or to be in a gathering, I will be again thankful and thankful, cause then I feel that I am doing something right. If nobody demands or requests or pushes me into this kind of work, then I won't do anything. Yes. And I also don't feel anything about it. I mean I don't feel regret or I don't feel remorseful that I don't do the job.

I don't know why such a beautiful job I never desire to do. I don't know why. But every time I do it, I feel it's good, you know? It's good that I should do it, but then I never desire to do it again. Then somebody push me out to give a lecture, then I am grateful again that I will do it. Do you know what that is? Must be laziness, I think. (Laughter) I really don't understand myself. People just say that, "When you are enlightened; you are Master, you are supposedly to know yourself." But I must confess that I don't know! (Master laughs.) I don't know. I can just equally be happy stay home and sleep. (Master laughs.) So I really don't know. But when I am here, I am very happy and grateful that I am here. When I am in bed and sleep, I am happy and grateful that I sleep. But I truly am grateful that you have pushed me to come here and you know, I feel just good, very good, that probably I become a little bit useful.

Also a temple is useful, that we can gather together and have a nice devotional day to the Supreme God. Or do you just came for lunch? (Laughter) No? I didn't make a mistake, no? You came for God, right? (Yes) Okay, good, then you are entitled to lunch later. (Laughter) Surely if we don't have spiritual food, it doesn't matter what we eat; it will never satisfy us, mentally and physically. Therefore, we keep getting hungrier and hungrier, again and again, and even we eat a lot of nice food and vitamin we still get sick and sometimes distressed and indigestion. In the Bhagavad Gita, it is mentioned that the food which was prepared for offering to God first and then we eat it, should be very nutritious and full of blessing for us. If, however, we prepare the food just for personal satisfaction then we truly make mistake. And that will give us a lot of dissatisfaction, and sometimes trouble, indigestion and all that. Actually, in the Bhagavad Gita it says stronger than this, very strongly, like: "You eat in sin if you don't offer first to God." So it's not me who spoke like that; it's Krishna (Master laughs.)

The Heartbreaker

Now, everything is the same; it's not only food. All of you know the Bhagavad Gita or not? That is the book of wisdom of ancient India. It is about five thousand years old. Yes, it was spoken by the Supreme Master of that time, Krishna, the beloved black beauty. (Master laughs.) His complexion was dark, you know, like many Indian people, but he was so beautiful and handsome that people call him "heartbreaker". It's also because he breaks everybody's heart when he leaves. (Master laughs.) And wherever he goes, people love him, adore him and make offering to him, just following him madly. I hear that he had about seventy thousand wives, no, sixteen thousand wives. Well, the Indian people, sometimes they exaggerate things, (Master laughs.) but he must have a lot of followers. It's not really wives, you know, disciples. Probably mostly were women, because probably he was very handsome, I hear! I wasn't there. Maybe I was there but I forgot. (Master laughs.)

So the Bhagavad Gita is the record of the teachings of the Master, Krishna. You can find much wisdom and guidance in this book. I still look at it from time to time. I still do, yes, because it is very beautiful, concentrate and wise. Sometimes you get solace and calmness by reading that book. If you truly understand and digest it, it is a wonderful masterpiece of wisdom. Many of the masters of the past have connection with the Indian law, therefore we could not not to mention India and the Bhagavad Gita. Even Milarepa, do you know? The great yogi of Tibet. Even that great yogi of Tibet, his possession consisted of a pot and the Bhagavad Gita. Now, in that book it is mentioned that not only the food that we should first prepare in the spirit of offering to God before we take it, but also everything else we do in life must be an offering, must be a sacrifice, to the Supreme Spirit. In that case we will never reap any bad or any good result out of that, because bad result or good result bind us to this material world. Even if sometimes we cannot help ourselves, we lose our temper; we get angry, and we know we shouldn't. And then sometimes we feel very very sorry for a long time, after our anger has already subsided.

Forgive Yourself

But I tell you, forgive yourself. Forgive yourself anytime. Whatever you do, just make offering to God and let it be, whatever the outcome, because we are not the body anyhow. We are not the action. We are not the doers of anything in this world. Even if we are; suppose we are the doers, we still have to forgive ourselves. Forgive ourselves when we make mistakes or when we cannot help with our habits, like anger or sometimes greed and sometimes lustful thoughts, because these things also arise from circumstances. It's not truly the Self; it's not truly the soul that desires all these things. So we always have to try again and again, and forgive ourselves after all, I mean, above all. Because the inside is God, the Supreme Wisdom, we can't scold it; we can't abuse it; we can't be rude to it. You understand what I mean? So if we are angry with ourselves, we should be angry only with our habits, our accumulated habits. Or we should blame the situation also, not to blame the Supreme Wisdom, the real Self because the real Self never err, never make any mistakes.

Suppose we are even the doers and we are in society like this, sometimes we get angry. It's not always our fault. Most of the time it is not. Sometimes everything can make us angry. For example, you work in a company and you work with the wrong personal, right? Whatever you tell him, he just doesn't understand. Or he understands but he does the other way around. He just makes you angry and angry. Even you forgive him again and again, he repeatedly does that. A very small thing, even a small thing irritates our minds and makes us feel miserable. So it is good that we know that there is something else above the mind and above the body. The body is composed of only material substances, like earth, water, iron. Well, our iron inside is much enough to make a few nails. Do you know? (Master laughs.) And water, earth and maybe fire, the vital fire so that the body would be warm and all that.

Meditation Is A Way To Reprogram Our Thinking

The mind is consist of what? It's just a collection of all kinds of information, bad and good. It is just like a computer, whatever you program it, and when you push the button, it comes out the same, right? One of our fellow practitioners, he has an electric organ, and he programs it into different musical rhymes, and he can play it again from the cassette. So the same thing with our brain. It would be empty; it would be absolutely blank, just like a brand new computer, until we start to record things and information, and sometimes good, sometimes bad. If we happened to record the good information and when we want to make use of it, then the good information come out. If we happened to record the bad information, then of course the bad information comes out.

So now to meditate, to pray to God or to study the holy scriptures is just a way to reprogram our thinking, our way of life. Because we reprogram it in a good way, the result that comes out is always good, or at least not as bad as before, or at least not all bad. Even though we can't help to record some more bad information daily, the number will be less than before, right? It's because we keep recording good things, like we meditate; we meditate on God name, we meditate on God power and we get the God power coming through us, filling us with joy, virtues and goodness. Then even the bad information comes in, it has no room, and also maybe minimized. And because of the goodness and the powerful energy from God, through meditation each day, we will be able to dilute or maybe digest completely any information that is harmful to our minds and our souls. That's why we cannot not to meditate! We cannot not to study the holy scriptures.

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