Enlightenment is the tool for everything
Georgetown University, Washington D.C. U.S.A. Apr.14, 1993.

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What Jesus And Buddha Could Do, We Can Do, Too

If we worship Jesus, if we adore Buddha, if we long to worship, to bow to the sages of the Himalayas of the ancient time, then we should know that we could be one of them. There is no difference between a sage and ourselves. Only one hair apart, very thin. (Master laughs.) And when we traverse that, we are there in the circle of sainthood. And if we stay behind, just one hair apart, we are ignorant beings bowing down to all pressures of the world, fearing all kind of things, persons and beings, knowing not what we are before and after our life. Even we have eyes, but we are just like the blind. We have ears but we are just like being deaf. Because heavenly teachings we do not hear. Heavenly kingdom we do not see; our greatness we cannot perceive. It is a pity if we continue our life like that.

We want so much to help the world. We want so much to bring peace into our earth, to make it into heaven, but how do we do it if we don't have wisdom? How do we do it if we are not above average? How can our head keep from being wet if we are not above water? So enlightenment is the tool for everything in this life and the life after. We'll travel far and wide into the galaxies of the universe, we'll know things by which even the most brilliant scientists in this world are dumbfounded. That is the ability of a human being. A true human being is not flesh and bones only. It's not the outer appearances of beauty and charm, but it is the great storage of wisdom, of almighty power that could move mountains, and do all kinds of marvel. Whatever Jesus had done is child's play. Whatever Buddha had cared to demonstrate while he was on earth is just a joke, because what he can, what Jesus can, what Buddha can, is above all that even. It's billion, trillion times greater than that; and we can. That's what I discovered and that's what I would like to remind you. As soon as we pray, we draw our attention inside, and don't care much for the material comforts and possessions - it doesn't mean we leave them. We stay in the same house, eat the food that we can afford, wear the clothes that we think fit for the occasions, but our attention is not there anymore; that's the important thing. Not the things in themselves are the obstacles to our sainthood, it is our attention that's the obstacle. Therefore, the attention we should withdraw inwards and then we know everything that Jesus knows, that Buddha knows, and all the sages of old and future will know. Because our nature is like that.

Just like you put the diamond in your pocket and if you look all over, even if you look all over the world, you'll never find it. Not only your house. You search the whole world, you will never find the diamond. You don't know where it is. (Master laughs.) Meanwhile, all the while it's in your pocket. The world should not be in the state that it is right now if all of us are enlightened, or at least half of us are enlightened, and better still, the majority of us are enlightened. And then no need to talk about peace, peace will come. No need to want anything because we have wisdom. "Wisdom is the Lord. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." The Lord is within ourselves, that is our almighty power which stays there dormant, and anytime we can awaken it and make use of it, at least to our own contentment.

Enlightenment Brings Happy Lives

The enlightened persons never know uncontentment, never know want, never know unhappiness; at least not for long, just probably in the beginning of the practice when we are not yet stable in our habits, and the mind still has the upper hand. So sometimes we might think we want this and that, but then immediately we realize our mistake. Not like before enlightenment, we don't even realize that we have desire, let alone stopping it. Therefore the difference is very obvious.

All these I tell you from my experiences. It doesn't mean after enlightenment you sit pretty, cross legged somewhere in the sofa and all things become heaven. No. We still have to undergo a little bit of give and take of the karma, the law of cause and retribution, while we are on earth. But we have great power behind backing us up, that doesn't matter what kind of rain or typhoon, we are very stable, safe, secure, contented. Because we know nothing can happen to life eternal. Something may happen to our body but not the real self. If we want another body, we create one. And that is a very, very definite feeling of the enlightened person. The enlightened person does many things, but never feels he is doing anything. Even physically, gives away many things but he never feels that he is a giver, endures many things but he never feels that he has patience. He might show his temperament now and again, but he never feels guilty because it is fit for the occasion. Therefore the way of the enlightened person is free, is happy, and is wise. That is the life that all of us should remember because that is our self.

It's not the life that we think we are now, full of worry about every little thing, about electric bill and about telephone check, and every little thing makes us trouble. After enlightenment we still have all these bills coming, (Master and all laugh) no doubt. God will not take them away because it's yours. (Master laughs.) But the attitude and the means to overcome these are entirely different. We'll find life more relaxed, more easy to meet with all demands from all sides. If we truly, truly, truly sincerely seek for our wisdom, that's what I can promise because I have learned to know this myself. It's not from books. It is not from any teacher. It is from my own experience.

Therefore, whatever I share with you is absolutely true, private, and no cost, because it's from me. I don't borrow it from the bank, no need for interest. (Master and all laugh.) And then you will come to realize all these and more for yourselves according to the capacity of your demand, and of your work, and of the way the universal brotherhood sees fit to give you because of your mission in life, your position in this world. You see sometimes when the masters reach mastership, they are equal. Even that, but you see slight differences between masters and masters. You can see that through their discourses or through the progress of their disciples or through the way he expresses his understanding about the inner realization. Therefore there is a slight difference between masters even. Why? Not because they are different in the quality, it's just because of the
different back-ground or positions. Such a master could make use of so much, so he has that much or he draws that much from within himself to give out. And the other masters in different circumstances, in different generations, different nations, will need more or less of different kinds of quality, of speech, of explanation. Therefore we have many of the so-called religious doctrines. And many different names or different religions which point to the same truth.

After enlightenment we will know that very definitely. We will know the underlying principle of all religions is the same. We will know what they taught when they were alive, the founders of these religions. We will know Buddha and Jesus taught just Quan Yin Method. We will know what Lao-tzu talked in the Tao Te Ching is about Quan Yin Method, about the light and the sound of heaven which lift us up above mundane ideals, above all the pettiness of our computer mind in order that we meet with the higher level of consciousness, and then we know ourselves. Then we know God. I am just so happy today, I don't know what I'm saying is suitable for you or not. I just blab, blab on. (Master laughs and audience applauds) I think I just stop by now and then you might ask me questions and I have the opportunity to explain further. Is that Okay? Yeah? Thank you so much.


Q. Jesus is no longer on this planet earth. Does he have power to reach to those who believe in Him now? Can we have two masters at the same time? A master who left this earth and a master who is still on this planet earth and will leave this earth?

M. Yeah. We can. We can. Fortunate are those who meet the masters who are still living but who also are the inner master at the same time. But also while you meet the living master, you can also meet the ascended master if you reach up to the level where Jesus resides at this moment, you can see Him. Many of our disciples saw Jesus and many of our disciples saw Buddhas. Isn't that so? Are there any disciples here...? Is that not true? Yeah? (Fellow initiates say : Yes!) Oh, they say "Yes". Anyhow, sometimes the Buddhists will see Jesus or Mother Mary and sometimes Christians will see Buddhas or Mohammed.

Q. How can I go down suppressing my ambitions which have been burdening and obsessing and bothering me so much?

M. It is because we are not enlightened and the nature of our ambition is the urge for enlightenment, actually. It's nothing else; nothing of a very base nature. It is because we know in our subconscious that we are something greater than that, we used to be the boss, we used to be the 'President of the universe.' Therefore it is difficult to remain lowly while we are on earth. That's why we have greed, we have ambition. So after enlightenment, you will know how to handle your ambition for the good use of your life as well as the world. Nothing bad about ambition. Just the way we handle it. If we handle it wisely with wisdom, it will be very good use.

Q. What is happiness and how long can it last?

M. (Master laughs). All of you know that the worldly happiness is ephemeral. It lasts how long is according to person and circumstances. But the true happiness which derives from our true nature is everlasting. That's what we would like to introduce to you which is already within you.

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