striving To Earn Money Is A Duty, Not A Sin

Hsihu Center, Formosa. June 3, 1995.

What you should detach is the attachment for power and fame, not to be detached from money and fame.

The thing is that we had better strive, strive to have a better life all the time, not because we are materialists but because life should have joy and abundance in all things and in all aspects. We do not have to give power and finance to the negative class of people. You understand what I mean? If, for example, the good people don't strive to make income for themselves or to have some power within a society then all the power and the finance go to the negative power, all the bad people. They will in turn control the good people and the good people can do nothing; can not even spread goodness. So to me, to earn money, to make a business, to strive in your life to earn a good standard of living for your family, yourself and your country is a duty, not a sin.

I do not encourage my people to stay in poverty, and to give all the power and finance to the negative system that has no morals, to people who have no morals, who have no responsibility, no feeling, and who have no sense of sharing with other people. For example, we who are practicing moral standards, if we have money we always share with other people. We help people in disasters, we help the victims, we help the refugees, we help the poor, we help the needy, we help the sick and the orphans and things like that. So, it's very good to have money, very good. It's not capitalism. It's the power of finance that we must have and also the power, sometimes, of social activities.

If you are a politician, you should stay in politics and be a good politician and fight for your country and for the standard of living of other people. If you are a businessman, you must be a successful one. Always strive to be successful. Earn as much money as God gives you and then you can share. Money is very easy to use. If you don't have it then you can say, "Oh well, I don't care about money. I'm a practitioner. Money for me is untouchable." You can not do that, you know? Can not have such an attitude like, you don't have then you're lazy to achieve and then you say,"Oh, no, I don't care. I renounce everything." It's not true.

In the old times, the so-called practitioners, they always renounced many things. It's okay. You can do that for a while. But I don't think you should do it all the time. No? Well, I think you can, why not? Everyone becomes monks, we eat the air (laughter) and drink the dew in the morning and afternoon. That's it. What do we need? Actually, the practitioners don't need so much. What we eat is just vegetables and what we wear doesn't have to be always beautiful, truly. We don't really care for outside appearances, we really don't.

Sometimes, I put some make-up on, wear some clothes, and after three or four days, I'm so happy just to go next to the river and wear nothing, just be alone and be natural. Sometimes, the make-up and the clothes make you feel tired. The outer requirement of beauty and decency sometimes makes you tired if you are not used to it. Especially for the practitioners, we just like to feel natural. Sometimes we even feel that having no hair, no clothes, and things like that would be very, very relaxing. But if we want to do it for the sake of beautifying the world or to work in the society, it's also okay.

So for us, the so-called practitioners, we really don't need material comfort. We really don't. And that's why it's easy for us sometimes to think,"Oh no, why should I earn money, I don't really need anything anymore." It's a very easy way out. But when we come to think about it, if we still live in this world, many people depend on us, our family, our children, our parents, relatives, and friends. Sometimes they need our help. If we are not in a position to help them, who will? Because only very rarely do people in this world want to help the poor and needy.

Truly the people in this world very rarely would give anything, even in ordinary circumstances. So that is the way of working of the negative power, to make the people become greedy and grasping. Whatever they have is mine, mine, mine. They never let go. Even when they have more than enough, more than they can ever count, more than they can ever recognize how much they have, they still want more. No one else can have it. Therefore, if the so-called good persons, positive people, like the practitioners of moral standards, the practitioners of the Way, the Tao, the Truth, don't have money, who will help those needy people? That's it. That's the difference. That's why we need to earn money and make good business. Not because we need it but because in this world we can make use of this useful equipment, money, power or political standpoint, then we can help the people.

Make The Best Use Of Power To Work For God

For example, if I am a president of the United States -- if, huh? (Laughter)-- then I would have taken in all the refugees a long time ago. The Au Lac people, the Cubans, the Haitians, the Chechnyans and the Bosnians, whatever. Then I would tell my people how to take care of them. I would tell you.(Applause) You would. Even if each one of us just take one of or two persons, that'd be fine and we'd take care in no time. It's just because we are not allowed to do that even. We don't mind any of us, any country, all of us, the practitioners, my fellow practitioners. I believe all of you, if I'd say one word, "Please take care of this person or this family," everyone of you in Korea, in China, in Au Lac, in Formosa, in America, in France, in England, anywhere, you would immediately do that. Is that not so? (Everyone answers,"Yes."). And then we'd have no problem, really. Instead of feeding them in the camps, we would give them the money to start their businesses or training and then they'd be on their feet in no time. Later they'd help other refugees. Then the world would have no more problems, right? Yes, really no problem.

That's one issue, the refugees. Another issue is abortion. We don't have to kill babies. I have written to the United Nations and other countries and said that we don't have to do that. We can create a special social care system, let these children be born and then give them to those who have no child. At the moment, there are so many difficulties in adoption, so much red tape and bureaucracy. Many childless couples long to have children, not one but two, three, four adoptions; and any race, they like it. So why are we killing this rare species?

I think as long as we go on like this, we are killing ourselves. Later it's we, the human species, who become a rare species that must be protected. Now birds, many jungle creatures like lions, tigers already have become rare species. Later, human beings will become even rarer, because now no one can have two children, for example, in many countries. It's forbidden to have more than one child or more than two children, etc. And any other children have to be wasted. Kill them. This doesn't have to be, right! We can just exchange. You don't have children, I have too many, you take some. Very easy. Why not? That's two issues. Now, at the moment the world's two worst issues are refugees and abortion. I think it's very easy.

Suppose I am the president of some powerful country. I just want to tell you one example like that so that you know that social power and financial power are not to be renounced, as long as you live in this world. Not because we want them. Just because we don't want them, we have to have them. If we give these powers to the people who want them, they always abuse them. Just because they want them so much, they will always abuse them whenever they get them. Just because we don't want them, so we can use them in a very fair, peaceful, and useful manner for the whole world. You understand what I mean?

So, the problem is that many of the so-called practitioners, they like to renounce. It's the easy way out. Like for me, it's also easy not to have to teach people or not to have to receive you here, having problems, etc. I do know. What shall I do? I don't always take the easy way out. You see what I mean? For example, I'm your teacher. I don't have to work. No, I don't. I don't really because I don't eat that much. So, wherever I want to go, I say, "Look, if you want to invite me, give me a ticket, give me a hotel, give me this and that." You'd do it immediately, right? (Audience: "Yes!")

Master Sets A Good Example Practicing What She Teaches

Well, I don't take that easy and cheap way out, I do it myself. I earn my own money and I do it myself. Whatever really, really, truly I need, then I ask you, but just small things. For example, like a disaster somewhere. "Please go and check for me because I'm in another country now, I cannot go there. Go and have a look and if there is anything we can do, alright. Or if you can help them, help them. Or if you don't have enough finances or manpower, we will help you." It's always like that, right? It's actually asking you to help yourselves, to help your people, also to demonstrate your loving power and the wisdom that you have acquired through your daily meditation. That is all I ever ask of you.

I never ask you to do anything for myself, even though I could do that anytime. Is that not so? So, whatever I do, it's just like a teaching for you. I don't always tell you, "You do this, do that." You just look at my actions and that's enough lessons already. There's no need to teach you anything really. It's just because you come here now and again so you expect me to tell you things, talk to you about stories, and explain to you this and that. But actually, you don't need to ask me to say anything. I don't even need to tell you anything. Everything I do is just what I teach you. Everything I teach you, I do.

It's very easy to say, "Oh, I'm a master. Why do I have to do work? I don't touch money. I'm pure. I'm above all things. I never touch money -- let it contaminate me or pollute me." I can do that. All excuses are welcome. Most of the so-called gurus mesmerize the whole congregation of their so-called disciples, and tell them whatever they want, and they do anything. But I don't do that.

Whatever I teach you is really good and pure, and good for you, good for the society. And whatever I do is what I teach. What I teach I do, right? (Audience answers: "Yes.") I just want to tell you that even I myself can have it easy. I don't. Just because I believe that I must have the power and the finance to help the world, not to take the power and finance of the world for myself. I have to give them the power and the finance they need, not that I take the power and the finance from them, for my own personal benefit and glory. So in that case, I work for my ideals and beliefs. That's why I also ask you to do the same, if you can and if you want to. Only if you want to, because I believe there is logic; but of course you don't have to do anything. If you believe the same ideal and you think it's logical then you do it. I just want to explain to you why, why we cannot shun money, why we cannot despise political positions, because they are good tools, they are good instruments to work for God, to work for the betterment of the world at large. Understand now.

Many people think because I'm a Master, why do I still make money and all this? Of course, I know they say that, but because they're ignorant, because they're stupid. Otherwise, they can see why I do it. I don't have to. If I were to take just one hundred dollars from each of you, I'd become a billionaire in one day. No problem. I don't have to work. So, because I am not a materialist, because I don't care for position and money, that's why I work. Not the opposite. If it were the opposite, if I cared for position and money, I'd always control you. I'd make each of you give me some money every month. Everyone would be willing to do it, is that not so? (Audience answers: "Yes.") You'd give more than that, not just $100. Even if I took one dollar from each person, that's all, from all my followers, in one day I'd collect millions of dollars, understand or not? One day only. And everyday everyone would give me one dollar only. What would I have? Do you know?

Okay. Now. If anyone asks you why I make money, you already know why. Just because it's the right thing to do. It's the correct way to live our life honestly, earning our money with the sweat and labor of our own talent and our own endeavor. We put our labor, our talent, our work, our time into the production and then we can earn the money and then we can give it away. If I really want money, oh, this is the stupid way to do. This is a stupid way for a Master who has millions of followers, to go and paint a picture for many days and blind Her eyes with oil colors or to cut materials to make clothes and then go all over the world to advertise in such a stupid way. You know what I mean? It's a stupid way. Most of the masters in the world never work. They don't have to, only me. I'm the most stupid one.

So, truly, if they think I am materialistic and want money and position, they're stupid. The people who think like that really misunderstand very, very, badly. Is that not so? Just in Formosa would be enough. I want everyone to give me one day one dollar. Formosa would be enough, I don't need all you foreigners. I don't. I can buy hundreds of Rolls-Royces. I could build a paradise for myself anywhere I want in no time. I can buy, no need to build, building takes too long. Who does that? Masters don't build houses. Can not touch these material things, right? I don't even need to touch money, just tell the disciples buy me a house or buy me a palace over there. Immediately, it would be done. No need to stay in Formosa, in Sweden, in Switzerland, in France. Any castle I fancy, I'd have it right away. Is that not so? Don't have to talk about foreign disciples, Formosa's enough, for example, yeah!

So it is stupid that I go and try to make money this way and then people think I will make money from you. This is a stupid way. If I'd try to make money from you then I'd just put it here. I don't have to go around the world like that, doing all kinds of things. So, now you know. If you still have any doubts in your minds, cut them out. It's no good for you, it will make cancer inside, a lump. It's very, very bad for your health, for your spiritual health.

The world is upside down. All the masters who don't work, who don't do anything, their disciples just offer to them anything and they praise them, "Oh, holy, holy, holy man. Never touch money, no material, nothing." It's not true. It could be. But this is just one of the ways, it's not the only way. It's not all the masters who like to do that. It's not all the people who don't touch money, who just sit there and let people feed them, who are holy. It's not that way. But actually, I think I'm doing the things a little bit stupid in people's eyes, because all the masters don't do that. The disciples feed them enough, really. Why do they have to work and do anything. But I want to give you a good example of all perfection development. You don't only develop a moral standard and wisdom but you also make use of that moral standard and wisdom in daily life. Express it.

Use Your Talents To Beautify The World

If you have talent and wisdom, then you can do all things. You have to beautify the world and make money for yourself. Take care of your own living so you don't burden other people. And if you have really good moral standards, then of course you have compassion and love for all the needy and desperate beings. And of course, you would lend a helping hand to anyone, regardless of race, color, creed, beliefs, and religious system, even your own enemies. So, that's how we know. That's how other people know that we truly have wisdom and moral standards. Otherwise, how do they know? And how do they teach themselves? You tell everyone to do good things, to have wisdom, and then you yourself don't show anything.

Just like an English teacher. If you never speak English, you never write English, and you keep telling all the students, "You must yourself speak English. From today, whenever you see me that is when you learn from me. And then you just speak English by yourself because everyone knows how to speak English." But the teacher never shows any examples, never speaks even ABC, never writes down any English words, never speaks any words. So how do the students know that he is an English teacher at all. Maybe he's even deaf and dumb -- can't speak anything. Maybe he can not even read nor write. So, a teacher is not only as good as his word but must be as good as his actions. Is that not so?

At least you understand me. Many of the people in the world they don't know. They think the opposite. If I sit here pretty and you all come with flowers, food, everything around me, and bow to me really flat on the floor, things like that, then I am a holy person. Because I don't do anything, I don't touch money, that's when I am holy. Really useless holy, yes. (Laughter) And the people who strive to do good for the world, with their own hands and efforts and work hard for it, then many people scold or criticize them, thinking they are materialistic and they want power and things like that. Power, I have enough already. Materials I could have anytime; don't say one day. Just one hour, one minute is enough. Just the time for people to take to put the money in, that's all. Each person one dollar I have enough to live my many lifetimes of reincarnations. Not only one life. I put money in the Swiss bank and then when I reincarnate again as the next Tulku (a high Tibetan lama), living Buddha, Rinpoche (another Tibetan term for a high lama), whatever, (laughter) I know where my money is. Other reincarnated lamas supposedly know their last lives, so they know everything that belongs to them from the umbrella to the beads. They are supposed to, no? You know, huh? Okay. It's very nice that I just put money in the Swiss bank, and if I remember that account number, it will help me a lot. (Laughter)

Don't Let The Negative Power Controls You

We must work. God has sent us here with equal opportunity, power and talent. So, if we don't grasp the finances and the power from the world then all the negativity will grasp it. We are under their control. The negative power wins, and then we can't do anything, we can't complain and say that God doesn't help us. God does, God sends us here, sends you here and even gives you opportunity to study like everyone else, the same as the negative power. This is just like a competition, you know what I mean? Both have opportunity, talent, and ability to take the same thing.

So, if you renounce it, of course, then the negative power will take it. They said, "Sorry, we don't want it." And then in this world, if we have no power, no money, what will we become? Beggars, of course. That everyone can be, but mind you, nowadays, even beggars cannot survive. Many governments don't like beggars, you see, even if you want to beg. If you renounce everything that doesn't mean you are safe. You got it. Many put beggars in a home and you are not free to do anything that you want. You can't have this and you can't have that and you have to do many things not according to your will. And in the home you must eat meat and you cannot eat vegetarian, etc., etc. So, what do you do?

So, it's not that you renounce everything then the negative power will leave you alone or will give you peace. It's not true. Fight. You have no choice really. Take away your wrong conception about money and fame. What you should detach is the attachment for power and fame, not to be detached from money and fame. You know what I mean? The desire for it, that's what you should renounce, not the money and the fame, just the desire. Now so many people who practice spiritually have this wrong conception. So now you should not have this kind of wrong conception any longer since I have already taught you and showed you why logically. Not that I force you to believe me talking nonsense, but it's really logical. Is that not so? Okay. Now you know.

Renounce The Desire Not The World Itself

So, don't laugh at our brothers and sisters who are in Parliament or who are in Congress. They are doing their jobs. They're doing fine. Many of our brothers and sisters are in high political positions, as well as very famous and successful businessmen. I never tell them to get out of them. If they get out, I even say,"Why, are you crazy?" Yeah! Some of our brothers and sisters, just after initiation, renounce. Don't become Congressmen anymore, don't run anymore, and don't do anything. I say,"What do you want to do now? I don't need such a useless person around me. I have too many already. (Laughter)

We renounce the desire for the world, not renounce the world itself. Because the world is a part of us, a part of our relatives and friends, brothers and sisters, so we can't renounce the world. That is the wrong word. We renounce the desire for anything in this world, that's all we must renounce. Then you do anything you want. Earn as much money as you can, be in as high a position as possible, and use your power and finance to help the needy people. That's the right thing to do.