Hsihu Center Formosa on Oct. 10, 1994.

Why would most people like to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? It is because he or she lacks the Yin (feminine aspect) or Yang (masculine aspect). We are born with the desire to find God. Before we succeed, we take whatever is most convenient. Therefore, we seek boyfriends or girlfriends, or get married, etc. When in love, each person gives the other either Yin or Yang. So, the two of them are very happy, very much at ease and contented. Therefore, when you are really in love, wow! You are so happy, because you give naturally, and then you have the Yin and Yang naturally. God arranges them to flow between you. However, people tend to forget later, and become unnatural. When in love longer, they expect from each other! They have been so happy in love because the Yin and Yang energies have been replenishing each other naturally. Suddenly, one day, they will get used to this kind of feeling, thinking it is because of the other person that they are so happy, not realizing that God is charging them naturally. When you are not thinking, God flows this energy to the two of you simultaneously and naturally supplements you. This is being given naturally when you are not thinking, so the two of you are happy.

As you start to think, then we say "missing", missing the other person. We think we are happy because of that person. Then, we begin to have attachment, and want to bind him to our sides, wishing to retain this happiness forever, just like when freshly in love. As we start thinking in this way, the energy is transformed into a limited one. We think it is from the other person instead of from God, so the energy is suddenly severed, understand? The power of our thoughts is so strong that anything would come true accordingly. So, as your thought emerges, the system is disconnected. The two persons then rely on each other, because they feel they are lacking something! They will keep searching. Unable to get contentment, they would capture, bind and cling to each other, and sink deeper in agony together.

Originally, they were two persons, now they stick together as if they have transformed into one, but still with two egos. (Master and everyone laugh.) Do you understand? The energies stick together, but not the egos! (Master and everyone laugh.) And then the problem starts right here. Each of us originally have our own energy and ego, controlling our own life, and being our own master. Before knowing the other person, we were always our own master! Today, I will watch TV, eat a certain vegetarian dish and I myself want to eat it, without caring about anyone. As the two get together and become one later, they supplement each other, and are happy together. However, their egos have not become one. Both of them are not accustomed to having two egos, and would only follow their individual ego. She wants to go swimming, while he prefers watching TV. The two heads simply won't coordinate, and it could be very troublesome. Both of them want to be the boss, though not deliberately. They have forgotten that all their capital is now in the same investment, but with two bosses. (Master and everyone laugh.) Do you understand what I mean? (Understand!) Then, the two bosses start quarrelling, as both want to take charge.

So,you see, this is where marriage failures start. The quarrels carry on, not contented with the love, the two egos try to become the only boss, destroying or suppressing the other one. As both of them are doing the same, there are struggles and agonies. Love vanishes, followed by the energy also vanishing. The plug to the greatest energy supply from God is disconnected. Now, they can only rely on themselves. Their vitality is limited, so they feel it is diminishing. They start blaming one another: "You don't love me anymore!" Then, they would pick faults with each other. "Why are you becoming like this?" They never saw any faults before, when they were abundant in vitality and bliss. Even when his hair turned white, it would not be noticed, (Master and everyone laugh.) not even when the floor is covered with fallen hair. (Master and everyone laugh.) They simply sweep the floor while singing, "La-la-la..." (Master and everyone laugh.) The hair is beautiful, I love you..." Now, they can't stand seeing one single hair on the pillow. They are picking faults, here, there and everywhere. It is because they are no longer happy, not contented, also because of the two egos. The two bosses are fighting for control. Since both of them want to take charge, surely one of them has to be eliminated!

As a new spiritual practitioner, our greatest fear is being attracted to some heretical paths. Heretical paths, meaning side tracks, not necessarily those inscribing mantras, or reciting hu-la-hop. This is not definite. Heretical path simply means not the path that we want to walk on. New practitioners are not steady enough to resist the allure of lust and passion. Then we will become weaker, and forget to get the vitality from God. We are finished when we depend on the other feeble person to render us happiness. Once overpowered, our spiritual practice would stop dead, not an inch of further progress.

That was why ancient people advised practitioners to become monks. Having become a monk, you better don't look at girls anymore. There is an Indian saying: Even the girl is seventy years old, teeth all gone (Master and everyone laugh.), hair all gone, dying on her bed, still don't look at her. (Master and everyone laugh.) They were frightened to such extent, understand? It is because, they fear that the new practitioners cannot steady their mind. Once abducted, their affinity with God is severed. Without the connection, he would think the other person can give him happiness. Therefore, their vitality is getting less, because they rely on each other. Observing that you are relying on someone else, God would say, "Okay! You don't need me anymore! Good bye!" This is a natural and automatic system, understand? You get what you asked for. So, the Bible says: If you pray to God, and find your Kingdom of God within, all will be added unto you. If all you asked for is that tiny petty drop, then it is all you will get. This is the way with the automatic system. This is why people in the world cannot find God. They recite so many scriptures each day, but they can see no one. Whatever they prayed for is not answered, understand? They are either relying on people, or on those inscribed or typewritten words. What can God do about it?

When we are in love with someone, our vitality would be united with that of the other party, not detachable. Not detachable but with two heads. When the two heads are heading for different directions, there is big trouble, causing quarrels and arguments, understand? Now, do you understand why there are quarrels? Think about it and you can understand. Both of them want to be the boss. Sometimes, it is not intentional, not deliberate, just a habit. We were used to being single. From our birth until now, twenty or thirty years old, we always walk alone, making our own decisions, deciding when we will eat, and when to go to the toilet. (Laughter) Oh! That is still negotiable! (Master and everyone laugh.) But, negotiation won't work in most cases. Each one sternly maintains their self-righteousness. Sometimes, this may not be deliberate, only a habit, not realizing that they should also consider the other party. Therefore, most marriage and love would be broken at a certain stage. We really cannot blame the people outside for being in love today, but not anymore on tomorrow, getting married today, and getting divorced next year.... They simply do not understand the mental state and this kind of system.

When two persons are in love, they replenish each other. One providing the Yin energy, the other providing the Yang. Sigh! It is so healing (Master and all laugh) so delightful, and so you get addicted, understand? It's because humans also represent God, they are equipped with a power generator similar to that of God! Therefore, when that person loves you, it resembles God loving you, so you are very happy. If the two of you love each other, well, both of you are fully charged, right? You may have observed that people in love look like idiots, care about nothing. (Master and everyone laugh.) The most painful moment is when they are forsaken, or when the love has just been cut off. It is as if the vitality is lost, the electric current is abruptly disconnected, so it is very painful. This is why people love to be in love, because of the happiness. Actually, the happiness is not due to that person, but due to fact that the vitalizing energy was replenished.

We won't be disappointed if we go for the most mighty power generator in the very beginning, which is everlasting for our use. It is all right for us to fall in love after we have steadied our pace! It is all right to have a mate. I am just afraid that we might not want any at that time. It is all right to have one or have none. It is only more troublesome if you have one more ego. (Master and everyone laugh.) Otherwise, you have only one ego, save the trouble of two egos. Sleeping at night, one of you want to leave the windows open, the other wants them closed. One prefers to have the light on, the other wants them switched off. Even trifles could cause a quarrel, right? It will be even worse after you have a baby. One wishes the child would behave this way, the other one wants the other way. One teaches the child this, the other teaches another thing. No one would give in, and both think they are right, because they are both Gods. I am sorry! (Master and everyone laugh.)

Actually, the other half of our soul is not to be found in this world. Only when we have found our true self, then we have truly found the other half of our soul. Therefore, even when we were successful in marriage, wealthy, abundant in anything in this world, we still feel like we are lacking something! It is because one person could not have sufficient energy to revitalize another person, unless we understand where the vitalities of both parties really come from. Then, we don't have to worry about our supply being cut off. It might be simple to say, but difficult to understand. At least, you should have an idea about this, and then do your best to practice diligently each day. Our willpower will get stronger, and anything we wish for will come true. That is the time when we possess the almighty, invisible miracle power. Then, there is no need to recite any mantra. Simply think about it and you will have everything.