God gives us children to remind us to be good teachers, because there is a child waiting for you, waiting for your help, for your guidance. God entrusts you with a child, a fresh soul in your hands, for you to take care of him, to polish him, and to create a prototype out of him. Therefore, do not complain if you have children. They are your lessons in being a teacher.


If children grow up having very good ethical roots from childhood, like a tree has good roots in the earth, when they grow up they don't fall down easily. But when the tree is not rooted well it just grows up a little bit, and then it gets broken down by winds or other natural forces.


I allow children to ride in my mini-car as encouragement to better themselves. Therefore, you must not have the wrong concept that you must sit in my mini-car, even if you have to squeeze and push. If you qualify, I will chase after you asking you if you want to take a ride. At that time you can say, "I do not want to!" (Master and everyone laugh.) Then you are terrific, is that not right? It may not do us any good by chasing after or demanding this and that all the time. We should contribute voluntarily instead of always asking for things. This is the correct concept. Therefore, teach your children from childhood, the spirit of patience, sharing and declining with humility.