When a Master comes to the earth, not only the disciples are uplifted and shown the wisdom, but the whole of mankind will also be purified and uplifted to a higher level of consciousness. Therefore, many Masters have graced our earth, and the world has become better, as it is today. But even then, it has not reached the level of the heavenly understanding. It has not reached the same consciousness like many other worlds in the universe.


Our world is better now compared to the old times because many Masters have stepped down to earth and taught many great laws of civilization. We have improved. That is why our world has become more civilized, more bright, more comfortable compared to thousands of years ago. This is due to many, many great enlightened Masters who have elevated our understanding. Even though they taught just a group of people, but the teachings that they left behind, the vibration and the seeds continue to grow and benefit the whole world on a large scale, and have lifted up the whole consciousness of mankind to a higher level. Therefore, our world is getting better and better every day.


If we want to reach the same heights as the ancient Masters, we have to follow the same path they took. It is so simple. It is just like if you want to become a doctor, you have to attend a university, and follow the curriculum. The graduated doctors will teach you how to become one. Similarly, to become Christ-like, we must practice their method, we have to contact the inner light and Word of God. And I can offer you this method, freely, without any conditions, be they financial, physical or mental commitments. Only your devotion is needed. Your devotion to your own practice every day according to your own time schedule, and arrangement and by your own free will. That is all that is needed.

Now, why is it that we could not keep the ancient disciplines left by the ancient Masters? It is not because we do not want to, or that we do not make any effort to do so. It is because we do not have enough power, we are tired, weary of existence. Sometimes we must work hard just to survive in this ever growing standard of civilization. And we also face even more 'civilized' temptations, so we must also adopt a more 'civilized' approach to guard ourselves if we want to regain our self-respect and wisdom. Because sometimes it looks like we are lost in the whirlpool of existence and pressure, and we seem to lose ourselves. Actually we do not lose our body or our desires, but we lose our self-control. This is why it is said in the Bible,' What benefit is there for a man who gains the whole world and loses himself?


But we do not really understand the meaning of losing our soul. We think,'What! On the contrary, I lose nothing. I gain more and more every day.' If your employer gives you a promotion or if you decide to have another child, you only gain an additional small burden. Some burdens are bearable, others are adorable. And the more you engage in material activities, the more you lose yourself and the less you know yourself. And what should you know about yourself! Well, that we are the most powerful beings in the universe. All sacred scriptures talk about this. Buddhist texts state that human life is the most precious of all. Muslim scriptures say that we are guests on earth. This means then that our home is elsewhere, and that we are much more than our physical body.

But it isn't enough to believe it. You must follow a kind of personal training, and use your critical capacities and your wisdom to discover the superior levels of existence, and to adopt a more elevated way of thinking and living, that will transform you. Your internal power will do anything that you wish to accomplish. You will then know God and will be able to say,'God acts through me,' and repeat what Jesus said, I and my Father are one. Then we will no longer feel loneliness and hardship.