young DAYS

The Master is not born perfect, I must remind you. I have done a lot foolish things in my life, youthful foolishness. I was foolish, made a fool of myself. I ran out of school and went see movies when I should have been sitting there in mathematics lessons, et cetera. I did a lot of bad things too. I raced a motorcycle a hundred twenty kilometers per hour, with only Honda. I broke the exhaust pipe. The Honda can go faster but it made a lot of noise. I didn't care about other people's ears, I only cared that I raced better than the next one. (Laughter)

I didn't tell you I was born perfect. If I was good in school maybe it was because I was born with a little more IQ. But it didn't mean that I really strived to be good or was consciously being good. So the Master is not a perfect person. Never is, never will be. You must know. But the Master is the one who can Master his or her mistakes. Can learn from them, and vow to make it better, every day. Just like being a genius is continuous hard work to keep it, similarly mastership is the same. Mastership is all about mastering yourself, nothing else. If anyone else follows you, it's just by the way, just because of your aura. Your true sincerity attracts them from inside. That's why you don't need to talk. You don't even need to tell them anything. They believe you. Mastership is like that. Do not believe that I was born perfect, I am at the moment perfect, or I will ever be perfect. No! I'm learning like you. But I have mastered myself. I don't let my mind dictate to me what to do. Because I know the mind. I make friends with it, we make a deal, saying "You do this and I do that, both of us don't bother each other. If you do it well, I'll also reward you. I feed you well, don't I?" I tell it, "I give you anything when you want it." Just that now it doesn't want much, because it knows it cannot get much with me, so it forgets it. Even when it wants to sleep, I say, "No, get up and work." Then it has to do it. So it gets used to it after ten years. It says, "It's no good talking to this girl. She's very stubborn. She just does what she wants, and no good arguing." That's all there is to a Master, continuous striving for perfection, for a better, nobler personality. A better ideal not really personality because when you talk about personality you mean you still want fame and all that. You know you still have ego, wanting to be proud of yourself; it's not true. Just that you think whatever you want to do, whatever you think is noble, is the highly idealist, benefits others, is good, then you must try to do it. Doesn't matter what the cost, just do it and don't talk. That's the only difference. Otherwise, what is the difference?


People who have worked hard since a young age or who try to work hard whenever they can, they are more clever, sharp, very fast and very clear-sighted; because they have practiced a very long time. So, practice makes masters, because both of the jobs are similar. Most of the circumstances you can judge, if you are used to diversity. I also have had this experience, because since I was young, I loved to work. I loved to be of help. We had servants in the house, but I always ironed my own clothes, washed my own clothes. I even brought water for my parents to take baths and cooked tea for my father. Sometimes I learnt to cook and I took care and helped the servants voluntarily. We had about three, four servants at that time. No need for me to work, I always liked to work. Probably that's why I am good at many things, just because I am used to adjustments. For example, if you do something a long time, sometimes you don't need to measure, you just look and you know how much is needed. It's very fast. The same with many other things, the more you use your brain, the more it will become alert and intelligent. Otherwise, you just become more and more stupid and then regress into stone or tree. That's how people regress. So don't ask me how people can become animals or regress to a lower nature of life. They make it that way. They make themselves that way.


I was mostly an introvert when I was young. I didn't talk too much the way I do now - only rarely. I also didn't know what to talk about. Remember I told you how my husband's friends talked to each other about everything for so long and how I always wished I could talk about half that much to my husband? Things would have been more lively that way. But normally I didn't talk. I didn't know what to talk about. I've really changed. I've really changed into a different person. I don't know how, but things have changed.

Even many people who knew me before, from the times when I ran around Indian ashrams, were surprised that I talk so much. When these people read my lectures that you print in the magazines, or when they got some tapes from someone, they were surprised. They said, "Oh, Jesus! This girl - she talks?" Because when I ran around the Himalayas or different ashrams in India or elsewhere, I rarely talked to people. I didn't even have close friends. I was always very quiet, and very shy toward people, shy toward the public. God has changed me, really. Hes has changed me completely into a different person. I never talked like this before. I never knew how. I really couldn't talk. I never did. I am surprised myself.

So this is how God can change us if we just let it be, just put complete trust in the name of Christ, the name of God, or the name of the Buddha. Then everything will be arranged the way it should be. We should just become like kids. Don't forget the child inside you. It is always there, and whenever we call, he comes out. He peeps out. That is the God nature. That is the nature of purity. We shouldn't worry so much. We shouldn't calculate so much - "If we do this, what will we get in return?" A child doesn't do that. A child never worries about tomorrow.


Q. Did You know Yourself You would always spiritually lead the way? For example, Jesus was as a young man and, you know, that we saw Him from the early times and so on when He was twelve years old? Did you always feel that calling?

M. I did not have this calling when I was young. But somehow, I tended towards spiritual teaching, you know. books or Bible. Apart from the ritual one from the Buddhist and Catholic, I read more for myself. And I preferred these books since I was six or seven years, since I began to read a little bit. I read these books instead of the children's books or other things. So I don't know what is the sign.