Jesus came and taught us that we must love our neighbors, and greater still, love our enemies. Buddha, Mohammed, Socrates, Lao-tzu, all taught the same thing. So I have come to this country also to remind you of the same ancient message: How to develop this great love within you so that you can love your neighbors.

This love is invisible, but it is so great that we can feel it and we can use it at will. Why is the great force within called love? Because it forgives all our sins and cleanses all our sins. It does not matter what kind of wrong things we did before. If we make contact with this love, and know this love, we are dean like a baby. That is why it is called love. Love knows no sin, no boundary, no past, but only the present. Jesus used this love to cleanse the sins of His disciples. Buddha used this love to take people back to the Buddha's land. And Krishna of India, because of having this love, is still loved by the people of India and praised by them."


I have found what Jesus had found, what Lao-tzu, Confucius, Plato and Socrates had found. And these things I am willing to give to you free of any conditions or bondage. It is all free of charge, because what I discovered you already have. It is yours, not mine. It is not that I will give you anything. I will only help you to open it and show you where it is. Then you will find happiness and all sorrow will disappear. It is just like the Bible says:


"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you''


All the scriptures emphasis that we find our own enlightenment, and all our sins will be washed away. It is as simple as the sun coming out and dispelling all the darkness. Otherwise, we have what the Bible calls the sins from our own ancestors, or what in Buddhism is called endless karma from previous lives, and we can never wash it off by our own mind efforts. We could not do it by charity or good deeds alone, or by bowing to the statue of Jesus or Buddha. We must do it in the correct way, using the light of God, the inborn heaven to dispel hell's darkness. Jesus also said, Whatever I do today you will do even greater in the future. This means that He and we are equal. He didn't say, 'I alone can do all these miracles. You will never ever be able to do it.' No, He said, 'Whatever I can do you can do also.' That is a great liberal attitude, and Buddha also said, I have become Buddha and you will also become Buddha. If we follow the correct method, just like with a scientific method, everyone does the same thing and gets the same result.


How to find God? By reverting to the principles, that is, all loving, all forgiving, all compassion and all wisdom, by repenting our previous misdeeds committed through ignorance, and by resolving not to commit them again. With such a true repentance, the light of God will sprout forth again, and all our past sins will be forgiven. That is the true baptism; not by water, but by the Holy Spirit, by the light of wisdom and logic. That is why nowadays when we are baptized by water, we do not see any light from God, and we do not feel free of our sins. Wisdom is not opened for us, and deep repentance is not evoked in our souls.