Q. Master, why are there so many religions in this world?

M. There is only one really. Different names, yeah! If you don't believe me, you take time, study all the religions together, compare them all, and then you'll know what I mean. Just because people don't study other religions, which is also good, fine.

Be concentrated on your religion if you know one religion; it's enough. Because it's similar in other religions: Tell people to do good, don't kill, don't steal, worship God or Buddha. No religion teaches people to do bad things. Or stay here forever, and eat and drink and die here. All religions tell you "be a good person here and find heaven while you can", right? And everything else is just bla, bla, bla, you know, bureaucracy and detail.


Q. There are many religious sects in the world today. How do we know which one will lead us to the Truth?

M. You will find the Truth only when you have found an Enlightened Master. The problem is not with the religious sects. All of them are good, but it is best to find an Enlightened Master. There were many religious paths in ancient India, but why did people follow Shakyamuni Buddha? It was because He was an Enlightened Master. By following my teachings in spiritual practice, you don't have to change your religious belief. Catholics may continue to believe in Jesus Christ and God; Buddhists may continue to believe in the highest Buddha, who is also God. The highest God is the highest Buddha; the only difference is the name by which they are known. All we have to do is believe in the Supreme Power within; there is no need to change anything.