Q. Master, I often see that in meditation it is my mind watching my mind, I lose faith that I can't go beyond this technique. Any advice? Thank you!

M. Oh, of course, it's not the very suitable technique for you perhaps. Because if we use the mind to watch the mind, we are still inside the mind and inside the creation's destroying and nourishing process. We should go beyond the mind. Therefore in our meditation, we don't use the mind at all. Yeah, and that is the most advanced technique. So, maybe try ours, Okay?! Um.


Q. Could you please explain to me what the mind is?

M. The mind is nothing but a bundle of attached thinking and ideas and information that we gather in our daily relationship with other beings. And that we call "me" or the "mind" and then we cling to all that, and say : " Oh, I am like that. I brush my teeth three times a day. That's me," "I never apologize even when I am wrong. It's me. I don't fear anything. It's me," etc., etc. But all these are what? That's just collective information. Before you were born, you didn't brush your teeth; you have no teeth. (Laughter) For example. You understand? Therefore mind is nothing, and we would be very unwise to listen to this kind of so-called mind. It's just a collected habit, information from others, from societies and from our own inter-relationships and then we think we are like that. "Oh, I have to eat this, I have to drink coffee, because it's me, my way of life, it's me." But who is that me? Who drinks the coffee before you were born? Coffee wasn't even there hundreds of years ago. Therefore these things are very unreliable and very nonsensical. They are not you, and that is what most of us call "me." That is the mind.


Q. Is it the soul that carries karma from life to life?

M. It is the mind, the power of memory. It is a kind of energy force. When you do something, you create a form of energy that is invisible to your physical eyes. This energy creates a pattern that the soul experiences in this world, your ups and downs, etc. And after a long period of time, the soul identifies itself with this pattern instead of realizing that it is free from this pattern.