Q. What do You think about the Old Testament and the Jewish religion?

M: It's good, but don't wait for the Messiah, please, because He comes all the time. Pray that you will recognize the present Messiah; don't pray and wait for the Messiah that you are waiting for. He will never come if you expect Him the way you do. Just like when Jesus came, they also expected the Messiah, and killed the one that they had at hand. We do all the same stupid things.

It is not that the Jewish religion is bad; it is we who are ignorant. Even Jesus promised to send comforters; this means that after He left, someone else would come. Someone who can comfort us means someone who is equal to Him, but we still are waiting for two thousand years already. Many Messiahs have come and gone and we are still here waiting for the one from the sky. He will never come if we wait in this way.

We hear Jesus will reappear; how do you think He will come? - With wings, a beard, or with the cross so that we will recognize him? How will we recognize Him if He ever comes? We don't even know what Jesus looked like. We were not there; or maybe we were there, but that was two thousand years ago and who has such a good memory any more? (Laughter)

Jesus comes, not in appearance, but in spirit. Jesus can come to anyone who is perceptive enough and who opens the right door to let Him in. And then we will become like Jesus or like the Father. Then, at that moment, Jesus came back again. He comes back all the time; whenever we are ready, He comes. He comes through any Master, who is capable of housing Him, of housing His mighty power. That person is also Jesus - different hairstyle, perhaps, or maybe high-heels, but He is still Jesus. (Laughter and applause.)