Q. Excuse me. You've done a lot of work recently for the refugees of the world. How about the drug problem of today? What kind of a visible aid....

M. Yeah! The drug... You're right. Ignorance and frustration of the young people of our age. Because many of the so called holy organizations sometimes have failed in satisfying their spiritual need for the higher meaning of life, more than just materials. Because materials today we don't lack. Therefore they're charmed, they're seduced into taking drugs. Because in taking drugs, sometimes they can have hallucinations and feel comforted for a very short time. But little did they realize the very great at consequence after that. Therefore meditation is the better, is the best way to relieve all these sufferings of people when they want to know God, they want to know happiness inside. Because our happiness through meditation, through the light and music of heaven is everlasting. And it's always improved, and always more and more happiness and never have any consequence like the drug. If we can propagate more the meditational benefit, then the drug affect on people will be less. People will understand where to turn to for a longer lasting happiness.


Q. Is it possible that drugs might destroy the spiritual side of human beings?

M. Yes, yes, if you continue it will. If we don't stop it now it will. Our younger generation is beginning to taste this kind of destructive drug and is beginning already to degrade. We destroy our intelligence, yes, and intelligence is necessary for spiritual development. We destroy our sensitive nerve cells in the brain which are necessary for spiritual attainment, development. Okay.


Q. How can we stop using marijuana, and cigarettes?

M. Oh, we must make a strong commitment to stop first, yeah. When there is a will there is a way. Then the Master will help you when you are sincere. Marijuana, is that a kind of hashish? Hashish, like hashish mild. Not so strong like LSD. No? [M.C. says, "Not so strong. It's a grass, you smoke it and you get crazy.] Oh yeah, it's a pity. Oh, you must learn to stop it. Take another kind of substitute, take chewing gum, candy, chocolates. Help yourself with whatever you want, but not with drugs. Okay. And pray to whomever you believe to help you. Pray strongly, sincerely, and you'll get help. Okay?


Q. And in this case will enlightenment become more difficult?

M. Yes, but better late than never. Start it today. I have initiated some people who took drugs before. He promised to stop it. But then his enlightenment was not as great as others at the same time, at the same initiation. He suffers.