Nowadays there are certain happenings, such as changes in the weather, famine and all kinds of diseases inflicted upon our world. Some people with little faith blame God again. Everywhere I lecture, people ask me, "If there is a God why do such and such disasters happen?" But these people should remember it's not God who does all these things. It is we who have made all these troubles. For example, a few nations always test the atom bomb and hydrogen bomb, which disturbs the structure of the atmosphere, shaking the stability of the Earth. They think they can just shoot missiles into the air and it will create no problems, or do it in the ocean and it will make no problems. These practices still make problems, because the universe is constructed with many kinds of materials, some with solid substances and some with invisible substance. So by disturbing the invisible substances, they also disturb the stability of the universe, and interfere with the natural evolution of nature.


Wars and natural disaster are not always caused by geographical complications, but generated from the atmosphere of the world. When human beings treat each other unjustly and with hostility, an irritating and vicious warlike ambience is generated, and from this many disasters and wars are created.

Of recent, more disasters have been happening on earth. This is a reminder from God that we should go back to our original qualities of truth, virtue and beauty, instead of being intoxicated in negativity. We humans have two kinds of power, one is positive, the other negative. The positive one gives us and others comfort and bliss. This is the quality we should always maintain and develop further. If we were to be stuck in the negative sphere, the world would become more and more chaotic.


Each year, many forests are destroyed just for raising livestock. To raise the animals and provide beef for our consumption, forests and jungles equivalent to the area of England is being felled each year. Raising cattle consumes a lot of water, forage, time, and land and the land cannot be used again. After the trees are felled and the earth is trampled by the animals, you have to wait fifty years to plant things again. Also, with the trees gone, the exposed rich soils are washed away by the heavy rain. Erosion is out of control, and the land becomes barren and dry. There will be a chain reaction of one affecting the other, and the destruction is not limited, but in many aspects. Pure water sources are used for animals to drink and take a bath, leaving only the filthy water for us, and in insufficient quantity too.

We have abused technology and damaged the protection layer of the Earth's atmosphere. This has also affected our planet, Earth is getting hotter. It is hot and there is no rain, and no shading trees. Without rain, trees cannot grow, without trees, there is less rain. Therefore, the climate is becoming hotter and changing unpredictably. All these end up affecting our body, affecting our children, our business, our mentality and other aspects, and eventually affecting the moral state of our Earth. Without sufficient food, prices would soar, many people could not afford it. Business would be bad which would result in bankruptcy. Broke people would go robbing, or become homeless, and do evil deeds. They would even harm themselves and their families.

You would be the first victim if there were nothing to eat. Very soon, the whole world would be in hunger. The consequence has already affected the children, affected them morally. Therefore, the United Nations and many countries are getting together, resolving to kill the children, the infants. Yes! To have abortion. As the number of people is increasing, and food is insufficient, they want to kill people now. To say it bluntly, they are killing people for food. However, this is really happening. They kill infants, they kill children. It is because they sense the danger; food is getting less and the population is on the rise. They do not change their way of living - to be vegetarian, refrain from cutting trees any more, and to plant them instead; stop raising livestock, but plant crops instead. On the contrary, they are slaughtering children. Therefore, you can see that the influence is like an iron chain, continuously affecting another and another. You can't say, "Eating meat is my business," it affects the whole world, affects the next generation, and your innocent children. You can see this is terrible, the damage is so enormous. Now, do you still ask why Master wants you to be vegetarian?

We have to solve this problem from the root. We water the plants at the roots, not on the leaves. Yes, the more we eat meat, the more we have to produce meat. Raising animals requires vast land area and plenty of water for the grass to grow. The more trees we cut, the less water we get; and then the water is used for the animals and people are left without. Without water, we cannot plant crops, so we have less fresh produce. When the supply drops, they'll be more expensive. When the population is soaring and food production is decreasing, wars are inevitable. There will be more violence like robbery and killing--just for eating, just for food. Finally, they think of murdering - murdering the children to save their own skin.

Previously, nobody ever even thought of abortion, but now they try to legalize and publicize it. I feel that the United Nations and many other countries ought to think in a more logical manner, and find a more effective and correct method, instead of just killing children. If the situation persists, it is not enough no matter how many lives you kill. Many people have prophesied in the future there are some countries that need to eat human flesh to survive. They have reached the stage of eating the meat of dead people. However, there is a way to change the future, but not if they continue in this way.


Sometimes disaster is also good for us, good for humanity. Yes, like they learn to work together, protect each other, love each other, and share the hard times together. And people's hearts become more tender. And hatred dissolves between misunderstood neighbors and all that. And so people in disaster will begin to reflect the ephemeral nature of life. And then they will begin to understand that material security is not everything reliable that we need. Look at millions of homes, just six minutes finished, five minutes.

Therefore we try to minimize their pain, with our care, with our material comfort and spiritual support. Otherwise, what are we here for? What are we in this world for? If we always blame God for everything and say it's their karma, it's their bad retribution, then what are we here for?


God truly gave only comfort. If at this moment Hes gives us some sorrow, it is to remind us of the ephemeral nature, to remind us that we have to get back into the safety of the fortress, of the Kingdom of God. Anytime we forget God again, Hes will remind us. Hes will remind us in a gentle way first, and then after, if we do not listen to this gentle advice, then Hes may push a little harder until Hes pushes very hard. So if we are not pushed so hard by God, then please don't wait until Hes pushes us so hard; and if Hes already has pushed us so hard, then please quickly go back into the Kingdom of God, and enjoy all the comforts Hes offers inside.