Q. Do You believe there is a devil, satan? How do You explain them?

M. I believe. Yes, I believe there are devils, satan. It's easy to have devils. Devils are produced from our bad thoughts, bad deeds, bad reactions. From our negative way of life, when you see someone outside killing someone, that is when you see the devil. When you see someone cheating someone else for his property or wife or whatever, that is the devil. So every misery in this world, every devilish thing in this world is caused by our own human beings' reactions or wrong thinking. This becomes hardened into a kind of atmosphere, and then it continues, action and reaction, until the atmosphere is, how you say, erased, or has lost it's intensity. Then there is no more evil. But because the human race continues to create this kind of atmosphere, therefore we always have devils, The good force comes and cleans in one place, and in the other place it starts again. Or it cleans the evil atmosphere today and tomorrow it starts another, The contrast to the evil force is the God force, the force of loving kindness, of tolerance, of live and let live, of peace. Yes. Therefore we have to meditate on goodness, on God, in order to liquidate some of these evil forces which are always produced in the world. Yes. If there are no good forces at all then there are only evil forces in this world. Then this world will become hell. Hell is a place where good force is missing. No cleaning process going on. Yeah. Only evil, evil, evil all the time.


Q. What are demons?

M. Demons. Yes. They are a little bit lower way of thinking, a lower way of existence, a little bit less loving. That's what is called a demon. Less light, less love, this is a demon.