Q. Do You believe that the Supreme Messiah of the universe - Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, said, "I am the way, the Truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father but by me"; that no one can enter heaven, God's home, except by Jesus?

M. Yes, it is true; every Master has said that. "Jesus" is the name of His body; "Christ" is His title. Every Master should have this Christ power; therefore, in a sense, Jesus never died. Jesus works through all the Masters, through all the centuries, through all the ages, to liberate and enlighten us, the ignorant still left behind. Jesus alone cannot enlighten us if He's gone. Of course, He can, to some degree, but we are human. We can't get in touch with Him when He is in a higher sphere. Therefore, a physical Master is necessary. But the Christ power works through any physical Master, who is destined or posted at that time. Therefore, when Jesus said that He was the only way and the only one, He spoke the absolute truth. But so does any Master, when the Master is alive.

I know it is trouble with clinging to the Bible. The same is true with many of the Buddhists. The Bible and the scriptures are excellent evidence of the past Masters, but also excellent stumbling blocks for our intellectual attachment. I know it's very difficult. I only can wish you the best, and I can only be patient to wait until the time comes that you understand. The Bible is only a record of a super Master who has graced our Earth, but what about those before Jesus, and after Jesus? Those after Jesus probably will say: "Okay, we hear His name and we will be redeemed." But a billion, trillion years before Jesus, was there no one to rescue them, or what? Is the Father so merciless just to send only one Son and only one time? Could Hes be so stingy?

If Jesus really redeemed all of us, can you truly answer me, why we are still ignorant? There are many things we don't know; heaven, we can't contact. Some people can; when they pray very deeply and sincerely to Jesus, probably He will appear to them and teach some of them, but very few. He doesn't appear to all of us. But to our disciples, He does, because we know how to contact Him. We can ascend up to His level and get His teaching directly. I'm not teaching anything different. If you would like to see Jesus and God, I just will help you. If you would like to see Buddha, I will help you, that's all - but if you believe it, instead of clinging to the past record of a great Master, most of which we do not understand.


Q. Is Jesus Christ correct or will there be reincarnation?

M. Jesus Christ was correct. He said, I am the Light of the world, as long as I am in the world. That means there are others who come afterwards. He also said, Don't grieve for me, for after I go I will send Comforters. Is that not so? He said I will send some Comforters to you. That means a different reincarnation "will come," other sages, other prophets "will come." So He was correct.


Q. Now for example you see Jesus always said that he was just fulfilling. Whatever he did, whatever words he said, whatever his actions were, he was only fulfilling the scriptures.

M. I came not to destroy the law but to fulfill. Well, every Master does the same. When they come they only explain the scriptures more clearly for the people. Yes. Without a truly enlightened Master, not many people understand what the scriptures are all about. You see a lot of misunderstanding. You know all the scriptures, in most of the scriptures the writing is all forbidding meat-eating, but you see the churches from very high to the low, bishops and the followers, everyone eats meat and drinks wine. God said, "Who told you to kill all these she goats, bullocks and he bullocks to offer to me? Your hands are full of innocent blood. You should stop all these sins, otherwise when you pray, I will turn my head away, won't listen to you. Repent and stop,otherwise I will not forgive you." Is that not so? Yeah. If God forbids even us to kill to offer to Him, how could we dare to eat ourselves and offer to ourselves? No? It's illogical. Yeah. Ask all the Pope's officials to answer you this one question alone. One sentence only, don't need to talk the whole Bible. Everyone is spiritually blind without a living Master. Therefore to be blind physically is nothing. I consider these people, who coma to Me blind to be very, very, very enlightened indeed, better than millions outside who have eyes but could not see. Therefore the Bible says, "See and you see, but you do not perceive; hear and you hear, but you do not understand." After initiation everything becomes clearer to each initiate. They wouldn't have known it before. That is called "illumination", yeah, "enlightenment". We are enlightened. We know the truth, because the Master has shed light on the truth, on the unrevealed truth in each Bible, in each scripture and let us know the truth inside. Even so simple like the sentence I just mentioned about the Bible, but how many Christians know? How many of them know? Let alone understand, They read it everyday. They read the Bible everyday. And in the church the priest knows the Bible by heart. They must, no, in order to pass the exam. No? But they will not pass the exam in heaven, if they do the contradictory things, with the Bible. "Meat for the belly and belly for the meat, and God will destroy both meat and the belly."


Q. So when I look at the Jews and then I question myself. Lord Jesus knew he had to die the way he died, because he went once to ask God, "Please Lord can you take this cup away form me?" He didn't want to die like that.

M. Means, can you take this bitter cup from me? He didn't want to drink that; or that is the human part of any master. I would ask the same thing, if I were to be crucified. I ask the same thing when God demands Me to do something that I don't like to do; I do it at the end. The master does many things superhumanly and endures every situation, and has infinite patience and love. But doesn't mean the master loves to do anything or everything. Well they are scared too. They don't like it too; but they have to do it. If they love to do everything, then what is the value of their sacrifice? Understand?

Q. Yes I understand

M. For example you love money very much. You care about it, and you earn a lot money because .... you want... you work hard for money. But when necessary you give it to someone. Not because you don't like the money. If you don't like money, why do you work so hard? But because you had to do it for the sake of other people. Therefore the money you offer is even more valuable, because you like it. If you give something away that you don't like or you wanted to get rid of... then what ... what is the point of talking about it?

Q. But why would God want Jesus to die the way he died?

M. Otherwise His disciples would not be cleansed of the sins. The body of the Master is for two reasons. First, for the disciples of the physical world to be able to see. They couldn't see the astral body of the Master. Second, the body of the Master is for sacrifice. It is to receive all the things that the disciple has to get rid of, to deposit the sins of the disciples. And then to be... has to be cleansed out. For example ... you know the garbage collector. First they have to collect... they have to bring the garbage up to their body. No? They have to use their hands to take the garbage can and then put on the car. And then afterward, dump them into the sea or in the garbage area. But meanwhile their body must be dirty and smell of garbage. The garbage will not stay with them, the smell will not stay forever . But they have to wait until they go home and wash it, and have time to wash it. At least , when they fetch the garbage , the garbage is with them, even just for just five minutes or five seconds. Understand?


Q. In the Bible Jesus Christ said: I and my father are one.

M. Yeah.

Q. But, how can I reach this state?

M. Get enlightenment, yeah. Get initiation. That's what we are here for, to help you.


Q. Jesus was enlightened and He ate fish. Is it necessary not to eat animals to be a Master?

M. Yes, it is necessary. Jesus never ate fish. Many people misunderstand the Bible. Jesus was vegetarian since fie was born, and when He was in the womb even. You should study more the life of Jesus; in another separate book, not in the Bible. You see the fish He brought and gave to people may even be vegetarian fish. In Formosa we have many kinds of vegetarian meat. We make chicken, vegetarian chicken. We call it "Su-Gi", vegetarian chicken. We make vegetarian ham, beef, vegetarian fish. The fish looks exactly the same as real fish, and tastes similar. And we have all kinds of "Niu", "Kou-Niu". "Kou-Niu" means dry beef. Yeah. So when I give my disciples dry beef, you don't think I give them beef steak, or beef. Dry beef, but it's a vegetarian beef. It's the name of that vegetarian food. Understand? Yes. Jesus was born in a vegetarian family, a vegetarian tradition, the Essene tradition. They have eaten vegetarian since thousands of years before Jesus was born even. And He was born into that family, that tradition. Yes, this you can study in the book about the life of Jesus. Just like when you're born in the Brahmin family in India, then you automatically become vegetarian. They were vegetarian thousands of years before Buddha was born. But that's nothing. The Buddhist people also think Buddha ate meat. And this mushroom He ate is called pig's feet in the Indian language. So people assume He ate pig's feet and died. Yeah, and in India also there are many kinds of small sweet, sweet balls. Sweet balls, small and big sweet. They call it sweet meat. So you think I go to India and ate meat every day? Yes I did, I ate sweet meats. Yeah, sweet meats mean candy. You know, sweet stuff. That's all there is to eating meat in India. So there is a lot of misunderstanding all the time, all the time. Always misunderstanding, especially after the Master has left the body. Especially after the Master has left the body, the misunderstanding is even more grave. Okay.


Q. Jesus ate fish, why do you not?

M.You always put fish in Jesus' mouth. (Laughter.) Alright, suppose he ate fish, he is Christ, he can do many other things that you cannot do. Why you look at the piece of fish only and not at his qualities and his holiness? As soon as you become holy as he is, and powerful as he is, you can eat human beings, okay?! (Laughter & applause.) If you are that desperate for meat... Oh God! We always compare the things that other people do to suit our taste. But we do not respect their qualities and their talents, yeah. We have to know what we have and other people have, hm, and then we can say what we can do or not. The president he can stay in the white house, he has a lot of bodyguards, he has power over the whole nation. So, something he can do, we can not. Okay, right?!


Q. Jesus is no longer on this planet earth. Does he have power to reach to those who believe in Him now? Can we have two masters at the same time? A master who left this earth and a master who is still on this planet earth and will leave this earth?

M. Yeah. We can. We can. Fortunate are those who meet the masters who are still living but who also are the inner master at the same time. But also while you meet the living master, you can also meet the ascended master if you reach up to the level where Jesus resides at this moment, you can see Him. Many of our disciples saw Jesus and many of our disciples saw Buddhas. Isn't that so? Are there any disciples here...? Is that not true? Yeah? (Fellow initiates say : Yes!) Oh, they say "Yes". Anyhow, sometimes the Buddhists will see Jesus or Mother Mary and sometimes Christians will see Buddhas or Mohammed.


Q. When one becomes a Master, will he or she ever have fear, doubt or anger? We call Jesus a Master, however, according to the Bible, Jesus was frightened the night before he was crucified. And before his death, Jesus cried, "Why God deserted me?" Please explain, if Jesus had fear and doubt, how can we have no fear and doubt?

M. Yeah, they probably would have fear and doubt, but that fear and doubt is not deep rooted like us, you understand? If Jesus had no fear of the crucifixion, then his sacrifice was not so great. He had fear, but he accepted, understand? Whereby we have fear and we run away and we try to blame it on others or we try to escape, we try to put that cross on someone else. That is the difference. We might have fear. We might have emotion, but we can withdraw it anytime or we can make use of the fear or emotion to the benefit of other beings. After enlightenment, all the feelings, all the emotions are still there, because we are made to have these in order to use them to understand other brothers and sisters. If you have no feeling, no emotion, how can you understand human beings? How can you help them; understand? But the fears of the Master are different. The fears of the Master sometimes are also affected by the fear of the disciples. He takes the fear from the disciples so the disciples are fearless but the Master will take some degree of that fear. But that is only very shallow and not deep rooted. It's only illusionary. And the Master on one hand has the fear but on the other hand definitely has no fear, you understand what I mean? He knows he has to have fear but he doesn't fear the fear.


Q. Did you know that Jesus was with the Essenes, a Holy Order which was by the Dead Sea?

M. Yes. He was from the Essenes' order, who were always vegetarians since thousands of years, and they had a lineage of transmission at that time. They were the 'White Brotherhood' who transmitted the light and the sound, and at that time it was very difficult to enter the order. You had to take vows of celibacy, and never to transmit the teaching outside openly. Anyone who entered the order had to be introduced by some elder members, and had to pass through many years of tests before they could wear the white robe. They were love incarnate' and Jesus was the one who broke the promise of keeping silent. But it was by the order of the Most High, of course. He got the inner message, otherwise, nobody in the Order had ever preached openly like this before. First, because of the vow. Second, because of the danger. Therefore, Jesus was crucified. He preached openly, and all the White Brotherhood were watching Him closely, trying to protect Him, in many ways. But they couldn't help it.


Q. I believe that Jesus will come back. If this is true, how shall I behave?

M. I won't answer you. You won't believe me.


Q. When Christ says, "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit," I don't think anyone, even myself, really understands completely what it would actually take to commit an unforgivable sin, if there were such a thing.

M. 'Unforgivable' is in the sense of the world, but there's nothing eternal. Suppose if Christ had come, and the people preached falsehoods against Him, or blackened His name, or accused Him falsely or wrongly, things like that, that's against the Holy Spirit, because He represented the Holy Spirit. So these sins are, of course, unforgivable, but not eternal. As soon as the soul turns around and repents, it's forgiven.

That's why Jesus did not hate those who condemned Him. Also, He knew that they had to do their duty. They had to do what they did to complete His mission, so that He would be glorified and honored in Heaven, as well as on Earth, up till now. If He hadn't died like that, He would be in oblivion; He wouldn't be as famous as He is now. Other masters have come and gone, but no one is as famous as He is.

So, those who persecuted Him had to do what they had to do. And He knows that, and they are forgiven. They had a role they had to play. Of course that's not the highest choice that they made, but someone has to make a choice like that. You know, just like in a film: Someone has to be a murderer, someone has to be a detective, someone has to be a victim and someone has to be a hero.

So, it's a choice we made before we came. Nothing is unforgivable, even though it seems unforgivable. Of course, we should never make a choice like that. But in eternity, in the game of the universe, everyone chooses a different way to walk back home. Sometimes they like to take a long way; some people take a short cut, like we do.

God knows everything; God forgives everything. It's just that we can not forgive ourselves. So we should never make lowly choices that we regret afterwards. Therefore the Master and the brothers stand by all the time, to assist us in re-choosing. We can always make a new choice. And depending on your choice, a new event will happen, a new direction will open up. Then you go into a different dimension. That's why every sinner has the chance to become a saint-any of them, no problem. There's always hope. There's always love, plenty of love for everyone, even for the worst criminal, plenty of love.